Paul Adam (writer, 1862)

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Paul Adam before 1910; Photography by Nadar
Portrait of Adam drawn by Rémy de Gourmont

Paul Adam (born December 6, 1862 in Paris , † January 2, 1920 ibid) was a French writer .

Life and work

Paul Adam came from a family of industrialists from the Artois . He began his literary career in 1884 as an employee of the Revue indépendante before he published his first naturalistic novel Chair molle in Belgium in 1885 . The novel provoked a moral scandal and resulted in a two-week prison sentence.

In the late 1880s, Adam began publishing in symbolist magazines such as Le Symboliste and La Vogue . Together with Paul Ajalbert he founded Le Carcan . In 1886 he published together with Jean Moréas Le thé chez Miranda and Les Demoiselles Goubert . Paul Adam finally became famous in 1888 with the novel Être .

With his science fiction Lettres de Malaisie (1897) (later published under the title Cité prochaine ) he became the forerunner of the modern science fiction novel. Adam also wrote historical novels , among others. a. the (unfinished) novel cycle about the Hericourt family, set during the Napoleonic period, with the volumes La Force (1899), L'enfant d'Austerlitz (1901), La Ruse (1903) and Au soleil de juillet (1903).

As a supporter of General Georges Ernest Boulanger , Paul Adam belonged to the political right. During the First World War he went to the front to provide moral support to the French troops and founded the Ligue intellectuelle de fraternité latine .


  • Chair molle. 1885
  • Soi. 1886
  • Les Demoiselles Goubert, Mœurs de Paris. (with Jean Moréas), 1886
  • Le Thé chez Miranda. (with Jean Moréas), 1886
  • La glèbe. 1887
  • Les Volontés merveilleuses. Être. 1888
  • Les Volontés merveilleuses. L'essence de soleil. 1890
  • Les Volontés merveilleuses. En décor. 1890
  • L'Époque: Le Vice filial. 1891
  • L'Époque: Robes rouges. 1891
  • L'Époque: Les Cœurs utiles. 1892
  • L'Automne: drame en trois actes. 1893
  • Le Conte futur. 1893
  • Critique des mœurs. 1893
  • Les Images sentimentales. 1893
  • Princesses byzantines. 1893
  • La parade amoureuse. 1894
  • Le Mystère des foules. 1895
  • Les Cœurs nouveaux. 1896
  • La Force you. 1896
  • L'année de clarisse. Pointes sèches de Gaston Darbour . Ollendorff, Paris 1897.
  • Le Temps et la Vie. (Tetralogy)
    • La Force. 1899
    • L'Enfant d'Austerlitz. 1901
    • La Ruse, 1827-1828. 1903
    • Au soleil de juillet, 1829-1830. 1903
  • Le Serpent noir. 1905
  • La moral of sport. 1907
  • Le Malaise du monde latin. 1910
  • Le Trust. 1910
  • Le Lion d'Arras. 1919


  • Franz Heinrich Heinen: The image of France in the work of Paul Adams (1862–1920) . Univ. Diss., Bochum-Langendreer 1932.

Individual evidence

  1. ( Online at )
  2. The Encyclopédie Larousse noted a year of publication 1898 , accessed from the Éditions Larousse on April 13, 2012

Web links

Commons : Paul Adam  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files