Paul Cherler

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Paul Cherler (born February 2, 1541 in Göttendorf , † 1600 in Binzen ) was a Protestant pastor and poet.


From 1550 to 1554 Paul Cherler attended the Elsterberg Latin School with the teachers Johannes Struthuis and Paulus Gebhard. Then he went to the local Latin school in Neustadt an der Orla with the teacher Christophorus Blumenreder. Shortly after Whitsun 1559 he moved to Strasbourg and lived in the house of the Lutheran Johannes Marbach , where he taught his sons Philipp and Erasmus and attended grammar school. On January 1, 1562, Christian Mylius published a print of his poems in Strasbourg. From September 10th, 1562 years of study in Basel, October 26th, 1563 Baccalaureus, 1565 Magister. In April 1564 a collection of poems by Paul Cherler was printed at Oporin in Basel. Basel teachers were Heinrich Pantaleon , Christian Wurstisen , Simon Sulzer and Sebastian Castellio . Among his works was a book about the life of Jesus, which he dedicated to the Durlach Hereditary Prince Albrecht. In 1564 he fled from the plague that raged in Basel to the Markgräflerland in Ötlingen. He wrote obituaries for a number of plague victims from Basel and the Markgräflerland (e.g. Thomas Grynaeus ). On January 19, 1566, after his trial sermon on April 29, 1565, he became pastor in Binzen. On the death of Margrave Charles II (1577), Cherler wrote a funeral address that was printed in Basel.

In the dispute over the acceptance of the concord formula in the margraviate of Baden-Durlach (1577), Cherler and the majority of pastors in the dioceses of Rötteln and Schopfheim opposed the formula and only signed the formula under pressure with a reservation. Since a meeting of the opposition pastors took place in Binzen after the unsuccessful Röttler Synod of October 29, 1577, he was also considered one of the spokesmen (see also the history of the Reformation in Markgräflerland ). His expectation of an appointment as superintendent, which was later expressed in letters, was probably not due to this attitude. He remained a pastor in Binzen from 1565 to 1600.

Two Messiads are considered the most important works . Cherler was also a co-author of a number of papers. Cherler wrote his works almost exclusively in Latin, with which he only addressed the target group of the educated classes. This certainly contributed to the fact that it was forgotten despite a large number of writings.

Origin, marriage and offspring

His mother Anna Cherler, b. After the early death of Paul's father, Otler married a butcher in Elsterberg. Cherler was exempted from paying fees by the University of Basel , from which it is deduced that he comes from a humble background. He married Elisabeth Bauhin on October 28, 1565, a daughter of the French doctor Jean Bauhin with whom he had 17 children (8 sons and 9 daughters).

The doctor and botanist Johann Heinrich Cherler was a son of Paul Cherler.


  • HISTORIAE || SACRAE DE IESV || CHRIST, DEI PATRIS ET || uirginis Mariae filij, natiuitate, passione, || resurrectione à mortuis eiuś [que] ad coelos || ascensu, dé [que] misso & effuso Spiritu S. In || Apostolos: ... || Omnia || ex sacrosancto nouo Testamento, carmi- || ne Elegiaco conuersa, & in libros || tres distincta . Basel 1564 ( digitized at the University of Halle , digitized by e-rara )
  • Paulus Cherler, Heinrich Pantaleon , Caelius Secundus Curio: Ecclesiae et academiae Basiliensis luctus, ob calamitatem recèns acceptam: hoc est, epitaphia, seu elegiae funebres XXXII. virorum illustrium, & iuvenum studiosorum: virtute, pietate, doctrinaque praestantium: item alii VIII tumuli foeminei sexus: qui ferè omnes in urbe Basilea, & agro tractuque Basiliensi, peste interierunt, non sine magno & ecclesiae, anno Christi & reipXublicae detriment accesserunt sententiae sacrae, de huius vitae fragilitate & miseriis, de morte, de resurrectione mortuorum, de iudicii magno die, deque vita aeterna: omnia ex ss. Bibliis carmine elegiaco conversa, & edita , 1565
  • Paul Cherler, Hieronymus Wolf, Martin Crusius, Leonhard Engelhart: Congratulations in nuptias optimi et doctiss. viri, clarissimi [que] typographi, D. Ioannis Oporini Basiliensis: & honestiss. ac ornatiss. matronae, Faustinae: DD Bonifacij Amerbachij, & c. filiae: & DD Ulrici Iselini, iampridem pie defuncti, relictae viduae iucunde varieque multis carminum generibus compositae: Anno Christi, MDLXVI. editae, the 1st of August, qui dies istis nuptijs solennis erat , 1566
  • Paul Cherler, Johannes Oporin: Epistola de vita, obitu, successoribus, et Officina eruditi, clari, diligentis, ac summi typographi, D. Iohan. Oporini, iampridem pie defuncti , 1568
  • Paul Cherler: Disticha et monosticha theologica, ethica, arithmetica, alphabetica, & aenigmatica: quae non minori elegãtia & acumine, quàm doctrina ac pietate sunt refertissima , 1572 ( digitalisat e-rara )
  • Johann Jacob Grynaeus, Paul Cherler, Johannes Meledonius, Chilo Zythander: Theses seu aphorismi: de quadruplici hominis statu , 1575
  • Vrbis Basileae encomivm, brevisque descriptio, antè nunquàm edita , 1577 ( digitized from Google Books )
  • Paul Cherler: Elegiae physicae et vernae X utiles et jucundae lectu , 1579
  • Paul Cherler: Sacre eclogae X de Jesus Christo ... editse in eius diem natalem anno salutis 1583
  • Paul Cherler: L. VIII de Jesu Christo: dei patris, et Mariae virginis filio: Theanthrōpō , 1584


  • Albert Ludwig : A forgotten poet of the 16th century (Pastor Paul Cherler, Binzen). In: Journal for the History of the Upper Rhine, Volume 82 (NF 43, 1930), pp. 452 ff.
  • Hermann Wiegand: A Markgräfler poet pastor of the Reformation period - Paul Cherler (1541-1600). In: Das Markgräflerland , Volume 2017, pp. 10–29

Web links

Individual references / comments

  1. see Wiegand p. 11; Already at the age of 5 months he came to Elsterberg with his mother , where in 1564 he received a certificate of homeland as an Elsterberger from the city. In his printed works he often names himself with the addition “Elsterburgensi”, so that Elsterberg was generally considered to be his place of birth.
  2. ^ Hermann Wiegand: A Markgräfler poet pastor of the Reformation period - Paul Cherler (1541 - 1600) . In: Geschichtsverein Markgräflerland eV (Hrsg.): The Markgräflerland, contributions to its history and culture . tape 2017 . Schopfheim 2017, ISBN 978-3-932738-73-9 , pp. 10 to 29 .
  3. Albrecht von Baden-Durlach (* June 12, 1555; † May 5, 1574); eldest son of Margrave Charles II from his first marriage
  4. Entry on GEDBAS [1]  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  5. ^ Entry Ecclesiae et academiae… on Google Books
  6. Entry Congratulations in nuptias… on Google Books
  7. ^ Entry Epistola de vita… D. Iohan. Oporini on Google Books
  8. ^ Entry Disticha et monosticha theologica… on Google Books
  9. ^ Entry Theses seu aphorismi… on Google Books
  10. ^ Entry Elegiae physicae et vernae ... on Google Books
  11. ^ Entry L. VIII de Jesu Christo on Google Books