Paul Freye

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Paul Freye (born September 15, 1869 in Verden ; † May 6, 1958 in Bremerhaven ) was a German horticultural architect and horticultural director in Bremen .


Gravestone Paul Freye
cemetery Osterholz (B)

After completing school in Hildesheim and Goslar , Freye studied in the Graflich-Stolbergian gardening center in Wernigerode and then went to Hanover , Berlin and Potsdam for further training . He became a member of the student union Technischer Bund Burschentag .

As a freelance garden architect in Berlin-Charlottenburg , Freyer designed several large parks in Germany and Poland . In 1910, together with the architect Franz Seeck, he won second prize in a competition to build the new Osterholz cemetery in Bremen and was then commissioned to carry out their modified designs .

In 1916 Freye became technical director at the horticultural inspection in Bremen and in 1919 its director. On February 1, 1921, he took over the management of the newly created horticultural department and became Bremen's first gardening director. As part of this activity, he turned to garden design issues in cemeteries, whereby social aspects were recognizable from his basic attitude. With a related position he referred in 1927 to the question of equality in death: "It is the task of the cemetery designer ..." to find means, "... which are suitable to create a dignified resting place even for the poorest."

Further parks were designed under the direction of Paul Freye:

He also changed the ramparts and cemeteries. In 1934 he retired as head of the horticultural office in Bremen and still supervised the relocation of the botanical garden from 1936 to 1939 .

Freye died in Bremerhaven in 1958 and was buried in "his" Osterholz cemetery in the Bremen district of Ellener Feld . There, the Paul-Freye-Straße, named after him, borders directly on the cemetery .


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Individual evidence

  1. Erich Hopfe (Ed.): Bund Burschentag: Directory of former members. Issue January 1939, Beelitz (Mark) 1939, p. 4 No. 38.
  2. ^ Paul Freye: The garden design of cemetery facilities. In: Stehphan Hirzel (ed.): Grave and cemetery of the present. Munich 1927, p. 78.