Paul Schläpfer

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Paul Schläpfer (born June 19, 1881 in Walzenhausen , † January 12, 1973 in Zurich ), entitled to live in Rehetobel , was a Swiss chemist .


Paul Schläpfer, son of the innkeeper August Schläpfer and the Pink-born Sturzenegger, occupied by the dropped Matura 1900 to study chemical engineering at the Federal Polytechnic of Zurich , in 1904 he acquired the diploma and in 1906 he was at the University of Zurich to Dr. rer. nat. PhD .

In the following year, Paul Schläpfer took up an assistant position to Emil Joseph Constams at the Federal Examination Institute for Fuels, where he was appointed adjunct in 1909 and director in 1917, succeeding the late Constams - a position he held until 1928. In 1937 he took over the position of director of main department B of the Eidgenössische Materialprüfungsanstalt , in 1949 he resigned from this position.

In addition , he completed his habilitation in 1922 as a private lecturer in chemistry and materials science at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, where he was promoted to adjunct professor in 1924 , to full professor in 1937, and in 1949 he was retired. His scientific work concerned, among other things, coal and its derivatives , petroleum , fuels, asphalt and tars .

Paul Schläpfer, colonel in the army staff, made a contribution to the production of substitute fuels in his function as the army commissioner for fuel issues during the Second World War .


  • Studies on the origin of the main types of hard coal, dissertation , Zurich, 1906
  • Prof. Dr. EJ Constam, Zurich, 1917
  • The results of modern coal research and its relationship to the gas industry: Lecture, Zurich, 1918
  • About Swiss coals and peat, Zurich, 1918


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