Per Wickenberg

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Per Wickenberg
Per Wickenberg 1839: Ice fishing

Per Wickenberg , also Pehr Wickenberg or Petter Gabriel Wickenberg (born October 1, 1812 in Malmö , † December 19, 1846 in Pau ), was a Swedish painter who lived in France since 1838.


Per Gabriel Wickenberg, son of the flagjunker Jonas Wickenberg and his wife Katarina Isberg, graduated from school in Malmö and studied painting under Johan Gustaf Sandberg at the Stockholm Art Academy in the first half of the 1830s . First he took on bucolic scenes and motifs from mythology - supported by the draftsman and lithographer Michael Gustaf Anckarsvärd (1792–1878) .

In 1836 Wickenberg cured an eye disease in Bad Teplitz . He then stayed in Berlin for a year . With Karl Wilhelm Gropius he worked his way into decorative painting and studied the works of old Dutch painting hanging in the Berlin museums . In the fall of 1837 he went to Paris. His Nordic winter landscape received a gold medal at the Paris Salon in 1838 in the Louvre. In 1839 the painting Eisangeln at the salon was a great success. Baron Jean-Conrad Hottinguer bought the picture. Wickenberg became a Knight of the Legion of Honor . The painter was awarded the title of Agré by the Stockholm Art Academy. He toured Belgium and Holland in 1839. In 1842 he became a member of the Swedish Academy. Also in 1842 he was decorated with the Wasa Order in Sweden .

Thanks to the growing Parisian customer base, Wickenberg moved out of his modest studio in the Rue Saint-Honoré and moved into a more comfortable one in the Rue de la Bienfaisance in Paris. Sick of tuberculosis , he spent the winter of 1844 in Nice and in the autumn of 1845 went to Pau.


Web links

Commons : Per Wickenberg  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. An Agré is not yet an academician in Sweden, but he is a candidate.