Peter Orban

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Peter Orban (born September 25, 1944 in Wittenberge ) is a German psychotherapist , family constellator and astrologer .


After obtaining the general university entrance qualification at the Westfalen-Kolleg Dortmund , Peter Orban studied philosophy and sociology from 1969 to 1976 with Theodor W. Adorno and Jürgen Habermas and psychoanalysis with Alexander Mitscherlich at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Even at the beginning of his studies he was fascinated by the symbolic concept of psychoanalysis . With Psyche and Soma he published about the interdependence of psyche and body in the process of socialization. With a second title Incarnation , he followed this process again on Alfred Lorenzer and Klaus Horn . From 1977 Orban worked as a psychotherapist, initially focusing on prenatal memories, early childhood traumatic experiences ( primary therapy , primal scream according to Arthur Janov ), and later reincarnation therapy , also under the influence of Thorwald Dethlefsen . He came into contact with astrology in 1977 , during a crisis after his second divorce. Against the background of the archetype and shadow concept of Carl Gustav Jung , he founded Symbolon with Ingrid Zinnel in Frankfurt am Main in 1982 . Practice for therapy , which he has been running with Heidemarie Orban, his new wife, since 1995.

Orban is the inventor of the Personar and, together with Ingrid Zinnel, the Symbolon card . In addition, he became known for numerous other astrological works. For many years his main focus has been on the family constellation , inspired by the work of Bert Hellinger , on the Symbolon work, as well as on therapeutic activities for the development of the inner personalities based on the personalities. Orban extended his type of family constellation to include the constellation of archetypes .


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Individual evidence

  1. The personar is the horoscope of a single planet or its meaning for a person.
  2. The archetypes in family constellations and in individual settings according to Dr. Peter Orban - Marc Sieber - naturopath for psychotherapy, Wiesbaden . In: Marc Sieber - alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, Wiesbaden . March 14, 2017 ( [accessed March 29, 2018]).