Peter Thyraeus

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Peter Thyraeus SJ (* 1546 in Neuss ; † December 3, 1601 in Würzburg ) was a German theologian and member of the Jesuit order .

He was born as Peter Dorckens and called himself in Latinized Thyraeus. In 1561 he joined the Jesuit order founded in 1534. After his ordination he taught at the Jesuit colleges in Trier and Mainz from 1574 .

In 1590 Peter Thyraeus became professor of theology at the University of Würzburg . He enjoyed the esteem of Prince-Bishop Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn and was involved as a preacher and author in the context of the Counter-Reformation pursued by him .

His writings - some pamphlets in the interests of the Counter Reformation - dealt with the doctrine of the Eucharist , the sacrament of penance , the veneration of saints and eschatology . In particular, he was best known for his publications in the field of superstition , visions and apparitions, as well as obsession and exorcism .

His brother Hermann Thyraeus (1532–1591) also entered the Society of Jesus .

Fonts (selection)

  • De sacramentali confessione, adversus veteres, et nostrorum temporum haereses. Behem, Moguntiae 1585.
  • Thorough report on the violence, occupation and mission of church servants and that in Protestant churches the ministers are not required to call and send other servants of the word. Wolffgang Eder, Ingolstatt 1587.
  • De prodigiosis vivorum hominum apparitionibus. Heinrich von Aachen, Wirceburgi 1591.
  • Twenty main causes and tangible proofs That the Roman Bapst should not be called the Antichrist without high injuri or blasphemy. Like something to Georg. Nigrinus, and recently in the Colloquio zu Regenspurg Aegid. Hunnius , sampt other his XIV. Co-colloquents against the divine writings / all heylige fathers / clock old Reichs Constitutiones, and right reason for blasphemy and heretical Weyß villages. Angermayr, Ingolstadt 1602.


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