Peter Wilhelm Polack

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Peter Wilhelm Polack , also Pollack (* around 1664 in Reval ; † July 1721 there ) was a goldsmith from the artist family Pol (l) ack in Reval.


Polack was the son of the goldsmith Peter Polack (1633–1702) in Reval. Polack's father had learned the trade from the goldsmith Johann Hermundt († 1657 at the Pest), who came from Dortmund, and in 1659 became master of the goldsmith's office and a citizen of the city of Reval.

Maker's marks

Polack was first mentioned on June 2, 1664 as "the younger" and learned the craft from 1675 to 1681 in his father's workshop. As early as 1682 he was first assessor of the local goldsmith's office and that year traveled as such to Stockholm to attend a trial of this office against the Kanutilde . This was repeated for the same reason in the following year; this time, however, he stayed in Stockholm for a year and a half. From 1687 to 1694 he was a senior man of the goldsmiths in Reval. In 1711 he was accepted as a master in the goldsmith's office. From 1714 to 1717 he again served as an elderly man. Adolf Friedenthal suspected that he had meanwhile worked elsewhere outside of Reval. His master's mark with the initials PWP on a shield has survived.

Polack was buried on July 30, 1721 in the Nicolaikirche in Reval. The painter of the Estonian knighthood Ernst Wilhelm Londicer was his brother-in-law.

Works (selection)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Polack (Pollack), Peter Wilhelm . In: Meeting reports of the Society for the History and Archeology of the Baltic Provinces of Russia . . F. Häcker, Riga 1873, p. 157 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. a b c A. S .: Polack (Pollake), goldsmith family. Reval . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 27 : Piermaria – Ramsdell . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1933, p. 200 .
  3. ^ Peter Wilhelm Polack Deer's Hoof Goblet. Art Museum of Estonia, accessed January 23, 2020 .
  4. ^ Wilhelm Neumann: House of the Blackheads . In: Famous Art Places . tape 42 : Riga and Reval. EA Seemann, Leipzig 1908, p. 145–146 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - with illustration).
  5. ^ Eugen von Nottbeck: History and art monuments of the city of Reval . Reval, F. Kluge, 1896, p. 212 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - with illustration on p. 210 (right)).