Petre Blajovici

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Petre Blajovici

Petre (Petru) Blajovici (born August 26, 1922 in Inand , Cefa , Bihor district ) is a former Romanian politician of the Romanian Communist Party PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , who was among other things Vice Prime Minister between 1965 and 1967 and from 1967 to 1969 Minister of Labor was. He was also ambassador to Zimbabwe between 1980 and 1983 .


Locksmith, party official and member of parliament

Petre (Petru) Blajovici graduated after school 1937-1940 first a vocational training as a locksmith in FULGERUL -Werk in Oradea and was then 1940-1943 locksmith in a blacksmith's shop in his native inand before he from September 1943 to May 1944 locksmith in of the Mustad and Sons factory in Timișoara . After he had done from May 1944 to October 1946 military service, he was inand Secretary of the front of the tiller (Frontul Plugarilor) , a 1933 founded and Petru Groza led leftist Peasant Party . In June 1947 he took up a job again as a locksmith at the Oradea Municipal Works. After he was in December 1947 Romanian Communist Party PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , he was between February and October 1948 secretary of the Party Committee of Oradea Municipal Companies. He was then from October 1948 to September 1949 press officer in the propaganda and agitation department of the party committee in Bihor district and also secretary of the city party committee Vaşcău . After he was from September 1949 to March 1950 secretary of the city party committee in Beiuş , he attended the party middle school in Cluj .

Subsequently, Blajovici was first secretary of the Câmpeni party committee from 1950 to 1951 and became a member of the party committee in Cluj County in 1951 . Between June 1952 and October 1954 he acted as economic and agriculture secretary of the party committee in the Cluj district and from October 1954 to February 16, 1957 head of the People's Councils section of the department of leadership of the party, trade unions and youth organization of the Central Committee of the Romanian Workers' Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc RomânPMR) . He graduated from the Faculty of General Economics of the Bucharest Economic Academy (Academia de Studii Economice din București) and from the Academy of Social and Political Sciences (Academia de Stiinte Sociale si Politice) " Ștefan Gheorghiu " and earned a doctorate in economics. Subsequently he was between June 17 and December 1960 First Secretary of the Party Committee of the Timiș Region . At the Eighth Party Congress of the PMR (June 20-26, 1960) he became a candidate for the Central Committee (ZK) of the PCR and served from December 1960 to 1965 as the first secretary of the Banat Region Party Committee . In 1961 he became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) and was a member of this until 1980.

Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Labor

On March 18, 1965, Petre Blajovici took over the post of Vice-Prime Minister (Vicepreşedinte al Consiliului de Miniştri) in the Maurer II cabinet and also held this post in the Maurer III cabinet (August 21, 1965 to December 8, 1967). At the Ninth Party Congress of the PCR (July 19 to 24, 1965) he became a member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the PCR and was a member of this body until the Twelfth Party Congress of the PCR (November 19 to 23, 1979) . In the Maurer IV cabinet he became minister of labor (Ministrul muncii) on December 9, 1967 and held this office until March 13, 1969. In the Maurer V cabinet , he served between June 2, 1969 and April 19, 1973 in the rank of minister President of the Committee for Local Government Affairs (Președintele Comitetului pentru Problemele Administrației Locale) .

At the Tenth Party Congress of the PCR (August 6 to 12, 1969) Blajovici also became a candidate for the Executive Committee of the Central Committee and held this function until the Eleventh Party Congress of the PCR (November 24 to 27, 1974) . Between April 19, 1973 and January 25, 1977, he acted as the first secretary of the party committee in Bihor County and was also the President of the Executive Committee of the People's Council in this district. During this time he was a member of the People's Councils and State Administration Committee of the Grand National Assembly between March 18, 1975 and July 9, 1977.

State Secretary, Ambassador and Awards

On January 27, 1977 Blajovici returned to the government and until February 22, 1980 he was State Secretary for Agriculture and Food Industry and Head of the Food Industry of this Ministry. He was also a member of the Supreme Council for Economic and Social Development. At the Twelfth Party Congress of the PCR (November 19-23, 1979) he finally became a member of the Central Review Commission of the PCR and was a member of this until the Thirteenth Party Congress of the PCR (November 19-22, 1984) .

On 16 May 1980, Petre Blajovici first Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador in Zimbabwe , the independence of the April 18, 1980 United Kingdom had received. He held this post until July 1, 1983. Most recently, in July 1984, he became chairman of the Association of Crafts Cooperatives in Bihor County.

Blajovici has received several awards for his longstanding services and received, among others, the Order of Third Class Labor (Ordinul Muncii) in 1954, the First Class Labor Order in 1962, the Star of the People's Republic of Romania Third Class (Ordinul Steaua Republicii Populare Române) in 1966, and the 1966 Order Tudor Vladimirescu Second Class (Ordinul Tudor Vladimirescu) , 1969 the medal for the 25th anniversary of the liberation of the fatherland (Medalia "A 25-a aniversare a eliberarii patriei") and 1971 the Order 23 August First Class (Ordinul 23 August) and the medal for liberation from the fascist yoke (Medalia "Eliberarea de sub jugul fascist") .


  • Petre Blajovici. In: Florica Dobre (ed.): Consiliul Național pentru Studiera Arhivelor Securității. Membrii CC al PCR 1945-1989. Dicționary. Editura Enciclopedicã, Bucharest 2004, ISBN 973-45-0486-X , p. 99 f. ( PDF; 12.1 MB ).

Individual evidence

  1. In the Grand National Assembly he represented constituencies No. 10 Boaşă (1961 to 1965), No. 16 Oțelu Roşu (1965 to 1969) and No. 1 Oradea Nord (1969 to 1980).
  2. ^ Cabinet Maurer II
  3. ^ Cabinet Maurer III
  4. ^ Cabinet Maurer III