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Dark-zoned fire sponge (Phellopilus nigrolimitatus)

Dark-zoned fire sponge ( Phellopilus nigrolimitatus )

Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Bristle disks (Hymenochaetales)
Family : Bristle disk relatives (Hymenochaetaceae)
Genre : Phellopilus
Scientific name
Niemelä , T. Wagner & M. Fisch.

Phellopilus is a genus of fungus that has been separated from the fire sponges in the narrower sense ( Phellinus  s. Str. ).

The type species is the dark-zoned fire sponge ( Phellopilus nigrolimitatus ).


The hymenophore is perennial, poroid and brown. The trama consists of two layers, which are separated from each other by a thin, crusty border. The dimitic or trimitic hyphae system consists of colorless, simply septate and branched generative hyphae and brown skeletal hyphae, which also have simple septa and apical branches. Setae present in the hymenium , other setae absent. Hyphae at the corners of the partitions sometimes with an apical incrustation . The smooth- and thin-walled spores are usually obverse club-shaped, mostly cylindrical and slightly cyanophilic.


The following type is specified for Europe:

German name Scientific name Author quote
Dark-zoned fire sponge Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (Romell 1911) Niemelä, T. Wagner & M. Fischer 2001

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Tuoma Niemelä, Tobias Wagner, Matthias Fischer, Yu-Cheng Dai: Phellopilus gen. Nov. and its affinities within Phellinus sensu lato and Inonotus sensu lato (basidiomycetes) . In: Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters (Ed.): Annales Botanica Fennica . tape 38 (1) , 2001, p. 51-62 ( online PDF 3.76 MB]).
  2. Eric Strittmatter: The genus Phellopilus . In: Mushroom Taxa Database. Retrieved May 2, 2011 .