Piermaria Oddone

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Piermaria Oddone

Piermaria Jorge Oddone , called Pier Oddone, (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa , Peru ) is a Peruvian-American experimental particle physicist .

Oddone, who has Italian roots and was born in Peru, studied physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, bachelor's degree 1965) and received his doctorate in 1970 from Princeton University . He was a post-doc at Caltech and then went to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) in 1973 , and also experimented at SLAC . From 1984 to 1987 he headed the group that operated the first trace drift chamber . From 1987 to 1991 he was head of the physics department at the LBL and from 1989 deputy director of the laboratory. In 2005 he became director of Fermilab .

Oddone is the inventor of the accelerator facilities called Asymmetric B-Factory (which he proposed in 1987), which are used at KEK in Japan ( Belle experiment ) and at SLAC ( BaBar ) to investigate CP violations on B mesons . He is a founding member of the BaBar collaboration at SLAC.

In 2005 he received the WKH Panofsky Prize . In 1990 he became a Fellow of the American Physical Society , in 2008 he was admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences , and in 2011 to the National Academy of Sciences .

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Commons : Piermaria Oddone  - collection of images, videos and audio files