Pierre Jurieu

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Pierre Jurieu (1637–1713) on an engraving by Étienne Desrochers (1668–1741).

Pierre Jurieu (born December 24, 1637 in Mer (near Blois ), † January 11, 1713 in Rotterdam ) was a French Reformed theologian and one of the most important publicists of the Huguenots .


Jurieu was born the son of pastor Daniel Jurieu (1601–1664). His mother Esther Du Moulin (1603–1639) was a daughter of the well-known Huguenot theologian Pierre Du Moulin (1568–1658). After studying Protestant theology at the academies of Saumur and Sedan , where he published his first publication in 1657, and a study visit to the Netherlands and England , he succeeded his father in the pastorate in Mer in 1660 . In 1671 he was known for his controversial theological work Examen du livre de la Réunion du christianisme ou la manière de rejoindre tous les Chrétiens sous une seule confession de foi .

After receiving his doctorate in philosophy and theology in 1674, he was appointed professor of theology and Hebrew at the Sedan Academy . Here he published other theological and polemical writings, including the Préservatif contre le changement de religion (1680) directed against Jacques Bénigne Bossuet .

When the Reformed Academy of Sedan was closed in 1681 by order of Louis XIV , Jurieu received an appointment to Rouen . Because he feared persecution because of his work La Politique du clergé de France, which was in print , he preferred an appointment as professor of theology at the municipal high school ( schola illustris ) in Rotterdam, which was arranged through the mediation of his former friend and colleague in Sedan Pierre Bayle came about. He held the professorship and the position of pastor at the Walloon Church in Rotterdam until his death.


After the Edict of Fontainebleau by Louis XIV in 1685, Jurieu became one of the most influential journalistic champions of the Huguenots. In his Lettres pastorales adressées aux fidéles de France qui gémissent sous la captivité de Babylone (1686–1695) he denied the legality of the repeal of the Edict of Nantes and developed the thesis of the social contract later taken up by Jean-Jacques Rousseau .

They were spread among the persecuted Huguenots in France and thus promoted the resistance of the Camisards in the Cevennes War (1702–1705). His Accomplissement des propheties (1686) predicted the downfall of the Antichrist for 1689 , based on a millenarian interpretation of the Revelation of John . Immediately translated into German and English, the book had an impact on the success of the Glorious Revolution in 1688/89. Because Pierre Bayle, Jurieu's former friend and current colleague in Rotterdam, ridiculed the prediction in the Avis important aux réfugiés (1690) and urged the Huguenots to restrain, Jurieu unleashed a campaign against him that led to his dismissal in 1693. He also opposed Bayle's plea for tolerance .

He also polemicized against other co-religionists, for example against Pierre Poiret (1646–1719). Although he underlined his Reformed Orthodox position in Le Vrai Système de l'Église et la véritable analyze de la foi (1686), he advocated rapprochement with the Lutherans in De pace inter protestantes ineunda consultatio (1688). His last great work, Histoire Critique Des Dogmes Et Des Cultes (1704) earned him the reputation of a philosemite .


  • Emile Kappler: Bibliography critique de l'œuvre imprimée de Pierre Jurieu, 1637–1713 . Paris, Champion, 2002.

Fonts (newer editions)

  • Traitté de la nature et de la grace . Reprint of the edition Utrecht 1687 and 1688. Hildesheim [u. a.], Olms, 1973.
  • Les soupirs de la France esclave, qui aspire après la liberté . Reprint of the Amsterdam 1689 / [1690] edition. Amsterdam, 1976.
  • Lettres pastorales adressees aux fideles de France qui gemissent sous la captivite de Babylon . Reprint of the edition Rotterdam, Acher, 1686–1695, ed. and introduced by Robin Howells (= Pierre Bayle: Oeuvres diverses  : Volumes supplementaires; Vol. 2). Hildesheim [u. a.], Olms, 1988.
  • The Accomplissement des Prophéties ou la Délivrance prochaine de l 'Eglise . Edited and introduced by Jean Delumeau . Paris, Editions Imprimerie Nationale, 1994.
  • Seasonable Advice to All Protestants in Europe of What Persuasion Soever, for Uniting and Defending Themselves Against Popish Tyranny . Edited and introduced by Daniel Röthlisberger. Eebo Editions, Proquest, 2010 ( google books )


  • Hilde Daum: Pierre Jurieu and his dispute with Antoine Arnauld in the dispute over the doctrine of justification and grace . Marburg / Lahn, A. Ebel, 1937.
  • F (rederik) R (einier) J (acob) Knetsch: Pierre Jurieu. Theolog en politikus der refuge . Kampen, Kok, 1967.
  • FRJ Knetsch: Pierre Jurieu. Theologian and Politican of the Dispersion . In: Acta Historica Neerlandica 5, 1971, pp. 213-242.
  • Elisabeth Labrousse : Bayle and Jurieu . In: Tilo Schabert (Hrsg.): Aufbruch zur Moderne. Political Thought in 17th Century France . Munich 1974, pp. 114-151.
  • Hartmut Kretzer: Calvinism and French monarchy in the 17th century. The political teaching of the Sedan and Saumur Academies, with special reference to Pierre du Moulin, Moyse Amyraut and Pierre Jurieu . Berlin 1975.
  • FRJ Knetsch: Pierre Poiret and his argument with Pierre Jurieu about the behavior of the victims of forced conversions after the repeal of the Edict of Nantes . In: Jan van den Berg, JP van Dooren (ed.): Pietism and Reveil. Papers of the international conference: Pietism in the Netherlands and its international relations Zeist 18. – 22. June 1974 . 1978, pp. 182-191.
  • RJ Howells: Pierre Jurieu Antinomian radical . Durham, 1983.
  • FRJ Knetsch: Pierre Jurieu and the Glorious Revolution according to his 'Lettres pastorales' . In: J. van den Berg, PG Hoftijzer (Ed.): Church, Change and Revolution. Transaction of the fourth Anglo-Dutch Church History Colloquium (Exeter, August 30 - September 2, 1988) . 1991, pp. 145-166.
  • Myriam Yardeni: Le Philosémitisme de Pierre Jurieu . In: Sociétés et idéologies des temps modern. Tribute to Arlette Jouanna . Montpellier 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 799-807.
  • Frederick RJ Knetsch: Debate on Dragonnades, 1685-1686. The Events in France as seen by Bossuet, Jurieu and Rou . In: Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 78, 1998, pp. 216–227.
  • HM Bracken: Pierre Jurieu. The Politics of Prophecy . In: John Christian Laursen (Ed.): Continental millenarians. Protestants, Catholics, Heretics . Dordrecht, Kluwer 2001, pp. 85-94.
  • Hubert Bost: L'Affaire Bayle. La bataille entre Pierre Bayle et Pierre Jurieu devant le consistoire de l'Eglise wallonne de Rotterdam . Saint Étienne 2006.
  • Christine Vogel: "Piedmontese Easter". Media presentations of the Waldensian massacre of 1655 . In: Christine Vogel (Ed.): Pictures of the horror. The media staging of massacres since the 16th century . Frankfurt am Main et al., Campus 2006, pp. 74–92.

Web links

Single receipts

  1. P. Daniel Bourchenin: Étude sur les académies protest antes en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Grassart, Paris 1882, p. 431 [1]
  2. ^ Wolf-Friedrich Schäufele : Theologians in Exile. Denominational Forced Migration and Calvinist University Theology in Europe. In: Irene Dingel , Herman Selderhuis (ed.): Calvin and Calvinism: European Perspectives (= publications of the Institute for European History Mainz, vol. 84). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2013, ISBN 3-6471-0106-0 , p. 254
  3. digitized version