Jean Delumeau

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Jean Delumeau (born June 18, 1923 in Nantes , † January 13, 2020 in Brest ) was a French historian and professor specializing in the history of the Roman Catholic Church . He also wrote “History of Fear in the Occident” ( La peur en occident , 1978).


After studying the humanities at an École normal supérieure (ENS), which began in 1943 , Delumeau took up a position as professor at the Lycée Alain-Fournier in Bourges in 1947 . From October 1948 to October 1950 he was a member of the École française de Rome . From October 1950 to October 1954 he was Professeur de première Supérieure at the Lycée Chateaubriand in Rennes . From October 1954 to October 1955 he worked at the Center national de la recherche scientifique . In June 1955 he received his doctorate as Docteur ès Lettres .

From October 1955 to October 1970 he was maître de conférences or professor for early modern times in Rennes. From 1964 to 1970 he was director of the Center Armoricain de Recherches historiques . From 1970 to 1975 he was professor of early modern times at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and director of its Center de Recherches d'Histoire Moderne (CRHM). From 1963 to 1978 he was Directeur d'études at the École pratique des hautes études (6th section). From 1978 he was Directeur associé at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales .

Delumeau held the chair for Histoire des mentalités religieuses at the Collège de France in Paris from 1975 to 1994 . From 1988 he belonged to the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres and from 1993 to the Academia Europaea .

From 1947, Jean Delumeau was married and had three children, including the historian Jean-Pierre Delumeau .


The first scientific publications related to the history of Rome. In 1968 he received the Grand Prix Gobert of the Académie française for his work La Civilization de la Renaissance (1967). With his work Le Christianisme va-t-il mourir? he became known to a wide public in 1977; the work was awarded the Grand prix catholique de littérature . Other excellent works followed, including the story of Paradise ( Une histoire du Paradis ) in three volumes (1992, 1995 and 2000).

In 1984 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Porto . Honorary doctorates from the Canadian Université de Sherbrooke (1986), the University of Liège (1992) and the Universidad de Deusto (1996) followed.

Delumeau was the holder of the Ordre des Palmes Académiques (officer), the Ordre national du Mérite (officer), the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (officer) and a member of the Legion of Honor (knight).


Jean Delumeau himself wrote a text that was to be published on his death:

«Ma vie a eu ses peines et ses joies, ses échecs et ses succès, ses ombres et ses lumières, ses fautes, ses erhurs et ses insuffisances, et aussi ses enthousiasmes, ses élans et ses espérances. J'ai terminé ma course. Que je m'endorme dans ta paix et dans ton pardon! Sois mon refuge et ma lumière. Je m'abandonne à toi. Je vais entrer dans la terre. Corn que mon ultime pensée soit celle de la confiance. »

“My life had its pains and joys, its failures and successes, its shadows and lights, its mistakes, its errors and inadequacies and also its enthusiasm, its impulses and hopes. I finished my run. May I fall asleep in your peace and forgiveness! Be my refuge and my light. I surrender to you. I will go into the earth. But may my last thought be that of trust. "

- Jean Delumeau


  • Vie économique et sociale de Rome dans la seconde moitié du XVe siècle , 2 volumes, De Boccard, Paris 1957–1959.
  • L'Alun de Rome , SEVPEN, Paris 1962.
  • Naissance et affirmation de la Réforme , PUF Nouvelle Clio, Paris 1965.
  • La Civilization de la Renaissance , Arthaud, Paris 1967.
  • Le Catholicisme entre Luther et Voltaire , PUF Nouvelle Clio, Paris 1971.
  • L'Italie de Botticelli à Bonaparte , A. Colin, Paris 1974.
  • Le Christianisme va-t-il mourir? , Hachette, Paris 1977.
  • La Peur en Occident (XIVe – XVIIIe siècles) . Une cité assiégée, Fayard, Paris 1978.
    • Fear in the Occident - The History of Collective Fears in Europe from the 14th to the 18th Century , Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1989, ISBN 3-499-55503-4 .
  • Le Péché et la peur. La culpabilisation en Occident (XIIIe – XVIIIe siècles) , Fayard, Paris 1983.
  • Rassurer et protéger. Le sentiment de sécurité dans l'Occident d'autrefois , Fayard, Paris 1989.
  • L'Aveu et le pardon. Les difficultés de la confession, XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles , Fayard, Paris 1990.
  • Une histoire du paradis: I - Le jardin des délices , Fayard, Paris 1992.
  • (Ed.) L'Historien et la foi , Fayard, Paris 1996.
  • Des Religions et des Hommes , Desclée de Brouwer, Paris 1997.
  • Le mystère Campanella , Ed. Fayard, Paris 2008.
  • À la recherche du paradis , Éditions Fayard, Paris 2010.
  • L'avenir de Dieu , CNRS Éditions, Paris 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Emmanuelle Giuliani: Jean Delumeau, historien de l'enfer et du paradis, est mort. In: La Croix . January 13, 2020, accessed on January 13, 2020 (French).
  2. Brief review of Jean Séguy: Delumeau (Jean) La Civilization de la Renaissance. In: Archives des sciences sociales des religions. 25 (1968), p. 186 , accessed on January 14, 2020 (French).