Pierrette Bloch

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Pierrette Bloch

Pierrette Bloch (born June 16, 1928 in Paris ; † July 7, 2017 there ) was a Swiss painter and textile artist .


In 1947/1948 Bloch studied in Paris with Henri Goetz and André Lhote . In 1949 she met the painter Pierre Soulages . From 1952 she had a few small exhibitions of her works in Paris and also during her stays there in the USA . Since the 1950s she has dealt with the various currents of modern art such as abstraction , minimalism and conceptual art , initially creating large-format collages . As a result, she preferred to work with Indian ink, which she lined up as dots or loops. In 1984 she turned to her first textile works, in which textile meshes and knots made of horsehair opened up the third dimension to her. Since the 1990s, she has mainly worked with paper and lighting effects created by the shadows of a few nylon threads on a bare wall. Bloch's preferred “color” was black.

Prizes and awards

  • 2005: Prix ​​Maratier of the Pro-MAHJ Foundation for her life's work.



Individual evidence

  1. Sikart.ch
  2. ^ Benezit dictionary of artists
  3. Signs in the emotional landscape. In: FAZ . January 10, 2015, p. 11.