Pyotr Ivanovich Gilarovsky

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Pyotr Ivanovich Gilarowski ( Russian Пётр Иванович Гиларовский ) was a Russian physicist , mathematician , classical philologist and university teacher .


Gilarowski taught Russian and Latin in St. Petersburg on the page corps founded in 1759 . When the first educational institution for women called the Society of Noble Maidens , the later Smolny Institute , was founded in St. Petersburg in 1764 , Gilarowski taught physics there . The center of his teaching activity, however, was the St. Petersburg Teachers' High School, where the teachers for the new public schools were trained. He was sponsored by the Minister of Education, Count PW Sawadowski , who headed the commission for the establishment of public schools. Gilarowski participated in the monthly growing vine from 1785–1787 .

With regard to the physics textbook for middle schools, Gilarowski was dissatisfied with the learning objectives of the teacher high school. He wrote an Introduction to Physics, which was approved for printing by the Commission for the Establishment of Public Schools in 1792 and published in 1793.

Since Gilarowski only had to represent physics, he wrote a mathematics textbook with the title Restricted representation of higher mathematics , which appeared in 1796, to supplement his physics textbook . In it he was the first to deal in Russian according to differential and integral calculus conic sections , spirals , the logarithmic spiral , the conchoid , the cissoid , the cycloid and the quadratrix .

In addition to his physics teaching activity, Gilarowski devoted himself to the Greek language . His translation of the Life of Epimenides in the Growing Vine was published in 1787 . In 1794 he submitted a Greek dictionary to the Commission for the Establishment of Public Schools, which for unknown reasons did not appear during his lifetime. In 1799 his literary work The True Bliss of Russia was published .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d W. W. Bobynin : Гиларовский, Петр Иванович . In: Русский биографический словарь . tape 5 , 1916, pp. 179-182 .
  2. Count DA Tolstoy : Городския училища в царствование Императрицы Екатерины II . In: Записка Императорской Академии Наук . tape 54 , no. 1 , 1886, p. 50-51 .
  3. Краткаго руководства к физике, для употребления в народных училищах Российской Империи, изданнаго по Высочайшему повелению царствующия Императрицы Екатерины вторыя . St. Petersburg 1785.
  4. Руководство к физике, сочиненное Петром Гиларовским, учителем Математики и Физики в учительской Гимназии, Физики в обществе благородных девиц, Российскаго слога и Латинскаго языка в благородном Пажеском Корпусе . St. Petersburg 1793.
  5. Сокращение вышней математики, сочиненное Петром Гиларовским, учителем Математики и Физики в учительской Гимназии, Физики в обществе благородных девиц, Российскаго слога и Латинскаго языка в благородном Пажеском Корпусе . St. Petersburg 1796.
  6. Жизни Епименида . In: Растущий виноград, ежемесячное сочинение, издаваемое от главного народного училища города Свяетогорара . No. 3 , 1787, pp. 74-83 .
  7. Истинное блаженство России . St. Petersburg 1799.