Pyotr Vasilyevich Savadovsky

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Pyotr Wassiljewitsch Sawadowski ( SS Shchukin , ca.1800 )

Pyotr Vasilievich Zavadovsky ( Russian Пётр Васильевич Завадовский ; born January 10 . Jul / 21st January  1739 greg. In Krasnowitschi, Ujesd Starodub , Russian Empire , † January 10 jul. / 22. January  1812 greg. In St. Petersburg , ibid ) was an Imperial Russian officer and statesman of Ukrainian descent.


Sawadowski's parents were the Hetmanat - Cossack - elderly Wassili Wassiljewitsch Sawadowski (1708–1761) and the Succamerarius daughter Pelageja Stepanovna Schirai. Since his parents' small possessions were not enough to raise the many children, Zavadovsky was brought up in the house of his uncle, the Cossack Shirai. He was then sent to the Orsha Jesuit College where he learned Greek and Latin . This was followed by studies at the Kiev Spiritual Academy .

In 1759 Zavadovsky entered the civil service. In 1760 he came to the Little Russian College in Gluchow . Soon he became senior counselor of the Sotnja administration in Potschep in the Starodub regimental district. When Count Rumyantsev took over the administration of Little Russia in 1765 , he appointed Zavadovsky to his secret chancellery.

Savadovsky took part in the Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774) . In 1769 he commanded a small detachment that defended the banks of the Dniester . Several times he fended off enemy attacks below Bender , for which he was promoted to prime major. At the end of the year he was adjutant general in the general-in-chief , Count Rumyantsev. In 1770 he became a lieutenant colonel . He distinguished himself in the battles on the Larga (tributary of the Prut in the Cantemir district ) and at Cahul . During the attack on the fortifications of Silistra in 1773, he was promoted to colonel . Together with SR Vorontsov , he prepared the text of the peace treaty , for which he received the Russian Order of St. George IV Class.

In 1775 Savadovsky accompanied Count Rumyantsev to St. Petersburg and was introduced to Empress Catherine II , whose favorite he soon became. He became her cabinet secretary in 1775 and processed the petitions addressed to her . 1776 he became Major General and received 4,000 farmers in Mogilev Governorate , the Order of the White Eagle , the Order of Saint Stanislaus and the estate Ljalitschi in Rajon surazh near his hometown. He was assigned rooms with full supplies in the palace. This proximity to the Empress worried Prince Potjomkin and Princess Daschkowa , so that Zavadovsky was removed from the palace within a year through intrigues.

Catherine Church in Ljalichi (2013)
Countess Vera Nikolayevna Zavadovskaya with daughter Tatiana ( Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder , 1796, Art Museum of Uzbekistan , Tashkent )

Zavadovsky remained the Empress loyal and settled on his estate Ljalitschi of Giacomo Quarenghi the castle Yekaterinodar with 250 rooms, porcelain tiles , malachite - fireplaces , magnificent library and life-size of St. Catherine Statue (1780-1795) and the Church of St. Catherine (1793 –1799) build. In 1787 he married Countess Vera Nikolaevna Apraxina , daughter of Count Nikolai Fjodorowitsch Apraxin and his wife Sofja Ossipowna née Sakrewskaja , who was Count Rasumovsky's niece and mistress .

Thanks to the support of his friend AA Besborodko, Zavadovsky held important administrative positions. In 1880 he became a privy councilor (3rd class ) and senator. He was a member of the Education Society for Noble Girls. In 1781 he was commissioned to manage the Hofkredit bank and the Stadtkreditbank in St. Petersburg. He chaired the bureaucracy reduction commission. He was entrusted with the revision of the offices, the administration of the educational institutions, the reform of the page corps and other schools, the administration of the medical and surgical school and the chairmanship of the commission for the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral (from 1784). In 1786 he received the Alexander Nevsky Order . Zavadovsky became a member of the Council at the Imperial Court (1787), Count of the Holy Roman Empire (1793), Real Privy Council (1795) and Count of the Russian Empire .

Under Paul I , Zavadovsky finally left the civil service in 1799 and lived under police control in Lyalichi, which he was not allowed to leave.

Under Alexander I , Zavadovsky returned to the civil service in 1801 and became a senator and member of the new Immediate Council of Alexander I. From 1801-1802 he chaired the commission for drafting laws. 1802-1810 he was the first national education minister. During this time the elementary schools were established, the higher schools in the Ujesds and the grammar schools in the governorates . Educational regions were established, and the universities of Kazan , Kharkov and Dorpat and the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute were established. Subsequently, Zavadovsky became chairman of the Law Department of the State Council .

Zavadovsky was buried in the Lazarus Cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg. Of his 13 children, only 5 survived childhood. Alexander Petrovich (1794-1856) was a friend of Alexander Griboyedov and involved in the double duel with Griboyedov, Sheremetev and Jakubowitsch because of the ballerina Istomina . Sofja Petrovna (1795–1830) married Prince WN Koslowski (1790–1847) in 1815, whom she left and became Sofja Tolstaja's grandmother in her second marriage to AM Islentjew (1794–1882) . Vasily Petrovich (1798-1855) married the of Pushkin , Kozlov , Vyazemsky and Lermontov admired Jelena Wlodek (1807-1874), daughter of General Mikhail Wlodek (1780-1849) and Countess Alexandra Tolstaya Dmitrewna born (1788-1847). Adelaida Petrovna married the marshal of the province Mogilev FI Merschejewski. Tatiana Petrovna (1802-1884) married the Senator Vladimir Kablukow (1781-1848).

After his death, Zavadowski's Jekaterinodar Castle came into the possession of Senator Wassili Engelhardt (1755–1828) from the German Baltic Engelhardt family , nephew of Prince Potjomkin. In the 1850s, the palace belonged to the painter and music lover Nikolai Atryganjew , who welcomed many well-known cultural workers here. The castle then fell into disrepair and was only a ruin after the October Revolution . The Katharina Church was used until 1937. In 1974 the church was recognized as an architectural monument. In 2011, the restoration of the Katharina Church began. In 2013 the work was stopped.

Web links

Commons : Pjotr ​​Wassiljewitsch Sawadowski  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e ЗАВАДОВСЬКИЙ Петро Васильович . In: Енциклопедія історії України . tape 3 , 2005 ( [1] accessed October 18, 2017).
  2. a b c d e f g Wassilenko NP : Завадовский (граф Петр Васильевич) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape 12 , 1894, pp. 95 .
  3. a b c d Завадовский, Петр Васильевич . In: Русский биографический словарь . tape 7 , 1897, p. 137-143 .
  4. Модзалевский В. Л .: Малороссийский родословник, Т. 5 . Kiev 1908, p. 12 .
  5. Трушкин М. Д .: Выстроил дом каменный на диво In: Московский журнал . No. 10 , 2011, p. 2-10 .
  6. Montefiore SS : Потёмкин . ( [2] accessed on October 19, 2017).