Plöttner Verlag

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The Reclam House, on the ground floor of which the Plöttner Verlag has its rooms.

The Plöttner Verlag GmbH & Co. KG was a German book publisher from Leipzig .


Plöttner Verlag was founded in August 2004 in Leipzig. The company was initially a company under civil law and was converted to the legal form of a GmbH & Co. KG in 2009 . The managing director was Jonas Joachim Plöttner.

Since January 2009, the publisher's offices have been in the old house of the Reclam publishing family (Marbachstrasse 2) in Leipzig-Gohlis . Until August 2011, the publishing rooms of the business magazine REGJO GmbH were also represented on the ground floor of the house . Plöttner Verlag published both fiction and non-fiction, art books and art catalogs. There is also the Kunststoff (culture magazine) , which has been published at regular intervals since 2005 and reported on the art and culture scene in Central and Germany as a whole. It was discontinued in 2011 with issue 22.

For the Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2010, the publisher published Shimmering Darkness, the first major reference work on the black scene . Since then he has also been there with a stand and has continuously expanded his range of products in this category. In 2011, for example, the band biography about Death in June and the WGT anniversary band "Black Celebration" were published. By the beginning of 2012, Plöttner Verlag had published around 100 book titles.

At the end of February 2012, those responsible had to file for bankruptcy at the Leipzig District Court. The result was a restructuring and re-establishment in August 2012 as Jonas Plöttner Verlag UG (limited liability). The new publisher took over the author master and the available books. The publisher had published 17 new publications since autumn 2012.

On October 1, 2015, Plöttner announced the discontinuation of the publisher.


The publisher's authors included a. SU Bart, Michael Bar-Zohar , Oliver Becker , Lena Hach , Susan Hastings , Werner Heiduczek , Andrea Jennert , Rainer Klis , Jan Kuhlbrodt , Thomas Kunst , Regine Möbius , Alexander Nym, Michael Nyqvist , Gerhart Pohl , Birgit Rabisch , Sebastian Ringel , Rengha Rodewill , Mick Schulz, Harald Nicolas Stazol , Eva Strittmatter , Werner Tübke and Frank Zöllner .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. FAREWELL - Announcement of Publishing resolution