Eva Strittmatter

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Eva Strittmatter, 2009
Gravesite Eva and Erwin Strittmatter
Matthes Strittmatter burial site

Eva Strittmatter , née Braun (born February 8, 1930 in Neuruppin ; † January 3, 2011 in Berlin ), was a German poet and writer .


Eva Strittmatter graduated from high school in 1947 and began studying German , Romance studies and pedagogy at the Humboldt University in Berlin . She married in 1950 and gave birth to a son, Ilja, in 1951. However, the marriage soon ended in divorce. Before the divorce, she met Erwin Strittmatter , whom she married in 1956 and with whom she had three other sons, including the author and actor Erwin Berner .

Since 1951, after completing her studies, Eva Strittmatter worked as a freelancer in the German Writers' Association of the GDR as a lecturer . From 1952 she published works on literary criticism in the literary magazine ndl . From 1953 to 1954 she was an editor at the children's book publisher in Berlin . In addition, she became a member of the ndl editorial board in 1953. Since 1954 she was a freelance writer . She published rather apolitical works, mainly poems , but also prose for children and adults.

Her and her husband's acquaintances included the GDR writers Hermann Kant and Christa Wolf , but also internationally known writers such as Lew Kopelew and Halldór Laxness . From 1960 to 1972 she made numerous trips to the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in her capacity as a member of the Foreign Commission of the Writers' Union of the GDR . In 1993/1994 her mother, her husband Erwin and their son Matti died within just nine months. She lived in Schulzenhof in Brandenburg , where she had moved with her husband in 1957. She was buried next to her husband in the local cemetery. The grave of his son Matthes called Matti (1958–1994) is also located in the Schulzenhof cemetery, opposite Eva and Erwin Strittmatter.



  • 1973: I make a song out of silence
  • 1975: moon snow lies on the meadows
  • 1977: The one rose overwhelms everything
  • 1980: Poetry album 149 , (selection: Edith George, graphic: Hubertus Giebe), Verlag Neues Leben, Berlin
  • 1980: Dialogue , Aufbau-Verlag , Berlin and Weimar
  • 1983: Heliotrop , Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin and Weimar
  • 1983: proof of happiness
  • 1988: breath
  • 1989: The secret freedom of solitude
  • 1990: Under changing light
  • 1991: I once sang about three willows
  • 1997: Der Schöne (Obsession) , Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-7466-1329-9 .
  • 2001: morning, evening
  • 2002: love and hate. The secret poems. 1970-1990. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-7466-1330-2 .
  • 2005: The winter after bad love. Poems. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1996/1997, 2005, ISBN 3-351-03029-0 .
  • 2005: landscape
  • 2006: The Complete Poems
  • 2008: For my Schulzenhof friends. Edition Zwiefach, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-940408-04-4 .
  • 2008: Strange plant soul
  • 2009: wild pear tree. Poems , Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-351-03273-9 .
  • 2010: interlude - poetry, photography. Together with Rengha Rodewill . Plöttner Verlag , Leipzig, ISBN 978-3-86211-005-6 .
  • 2011: Suddenly it was life. Poems, letters, essays, ISBN 978-3-351-03355-2 .
  • 2015: All poems: expanded new edition , Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-351-03625-6


  • 1977: Letters from Schulzenhof I
  • 1983: poetry and other ancillary things
  • 1986: May in Piešťany
  • 1990: Letters from Schulzenhof II
  • 1995: Letters from Schulzenhof III
  • 2000: You dear green. A garden and seasons book

Children's books

  • 1958: Brother Vierbein (Illustrations: Ingeborg Meyer-Rey )
  • 1959: About the hangover that should be human
  • 1974: I swing myself on the swing , 2nd edition 1983, ISBN 978-3-886-52076-3
  • 1978: The hedgehog
  • 2011: Grandmother Gutefrau and her animals


  • 2008: Leib und Leben , Das Neue Berlin , with Irmtraud Gutschke , ISBN 978-3-360-01946-2
  • 2001: But the 'big one' can stand still - Eva Strittmatter on living and writing by her husband's side , radio documentary by Bert Koß , editing and direction: Matthias Thalheim (MDR 2001)
  • 2002: as an audio book with the title: Eva Strittmatter - poems and self-information , 2 CDs, Der Audio Verlag 2002, ISBN 9783898131865
  • 2009: New edition of the audio book under the title In Another Twilight: Poems and Self - Information 2 CDs, Eulenspiegel-Verlag 2009, ISBN 9783359011163

As editor

  • 1995: Erwin Strittmatter: Before the transformation. records
  • 2002: Erwin Strittmatter: Stories without a home
  • 2002: Erwin Strittmatter. A biography in pictures


On May 30, 2005, with the inauguration of the new building, the Gransee grammar school was renamed Strittmatter grammar school after Erwin and Eva Strittmatter.
