Placido Maria Schiaffino

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Placido Maria Cardinal Schiaffino

Placido Maria Schiaffino OSBOliv (born September 5, 1829 in Genoa , † September 23, 1889 in Subiaco ) was an Italian Benedictine abbot and cardinal .


Schiaffino was born in Genoa on September 5, 1829. He came from a modest background and entered the Benedictine branch order of the Olivetans in 1846 . He took his vows in the monastery of S. Girolamo di Quarto a Mare on October 17, 1847 and was then sent to Rome to study at the Collegio Romano . The unrest in Rome in 1848 forced him to interrupt his studies and he was sent as a novice master to the Olivetan monasteries in Palermo . From 1850 to 1854 he continued his studies in Rome. Ordained a priest in 1852, Father Placido devoted himself primarily to preaching while he lived in the abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore near Siena . On May 15, 1859 he was appointed chancellor of his order and on June 3, 1870 he was elected abbot and vicar general of his order. In this capacity he also took part in the First Vatican Council . Pope Leo XIII. who had heard his sermons in Perugia , called him to Rome.

In 1878 he was ordained bishop with the title of the titular diocese of Nyssa . He was consecrated by Cardinal Raffaele Monaco La Valletta , co- consecrators were Archbishops Filippo Manetti and Giulio Lenti . Pope Leo XIII. created him cardinal in the consistory of July 27, 1885. Schiaffino received the title from Ss. Giovanni e Paolo and became honorary president of the Committee for the Jubilee of Leo XIII. in 1887. The following year the Cardinal became Prefect of the Index Congregation and finally, in 1889, Librarian of the Church. He held this position until his death in 1889. He was also a member of the Council for Historical Studies and administrator of the Abbey of Subiaco . Cardinal Schiaffino died on September 23, 1889 of a gastrointestinal infection and was first buried in Subiaco. His body was later transferred to Rome and finally buried in S. Maria Nuova in 1936 .

Rumors of poisoning were publicly investigated in “L'Osservatore Romano”.

Web links

Commons : Placido Maria Schiaffino  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  • La Civiltà cattolica. Vol. 11; 1885, p. 461.
  • Placido Maria Schiaffino - Titular Bishop, Cardinal to the Curia. In: Biographia Benedictina. September 27, 2010. From, accessed on January 30, 2019.
  • L. Meluzzi: Gli arcivescovi di Ferrara. Bologna 1970, pp. 111-113.
  • Martin Bräuer: Handbook of the Cardinals. 1846-2012. Walter de Gruyter, 2014, ISBN 978-3-11037077-5 .
  • Giorgio Picasso: Placido Maria Schiaffino (1829–1889) monaco e cardinale. Review. In: Fulvio De Giorgi: Aevum. Vol. 67, No. 3, 1993, pp. 751-753 ( Permalink ).