Planomicrobium chinense

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Planomicrobium chinense
Department : Firmicutes
Class : Bacilli
Order : Bacillales
Family : Planococcaceae
Genre : Planomicrobium
Type : Planomicrobium chinense
Scientific name
Planomicrobium chinense
Dai et al. 2005

Planomicrobium chinense is a type of bacteria . The species is one of the firmicutes .



The colonies of Planomicrobium chinense are colored yellow-orange. The cells are coccoid or short rods. Spores are not formed. The size is between 0.8 and 1.0 μm. The species is motile by polar flagella . The Gram stain is positive.

Growth and metabolism

Planomicrobium chinense is chemoorganotroph . Growth appears at temperatures between 12 and 43 ° C and at sodium chloride values ​​of 0 to 10%. The optimal growth temperatures are around 30–35 ° C. It hydrolyzes gelatin , aesculin cleavage and hydrolysis of casein , starch or polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) does not take place. The oxidase test is negative, the test for catalase is positive. Nitrate is reduced.

Chemotaxonomic Features

The Gram stain is positive. The GC content in the DNA is 34.8 mol percent. The predominant menaquinones are MK-8 and MK-7.


Planomicrobium chinese belongs to the Planococcaceae family . It was first described in 2005.


The generic name is made up of the Greek words planos ("wanderer") and micros ("small") and refers to the size (it is either cocci or short rods) and the property of the motility of these bacteria. The species name P. chinense , taken from Latin, indicates the place where it was found, the East China Sea.

The species name comes from the Latin adjective "chinense" (Chinese) and refers to the place where the species was discovered and examined: The bacterium was found in coastal sediments of the East China Sea .

Individual evidence

  1. Jump up ↑ Paul de Vos, George Garrity, Dorothy Jones, Noel R. Krieg, Wolfgang Ludwig, Fred A. Rainey, Karl-Heinz Schleifer, William B. Whitman: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Volume 3: The Firmicutes. Springer, New York et al. 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-95041-9 .
  2. ^ A b Eugene Rosenberg, Edward F. DeLong, Stephen Lory, Erko Stackebrandt, Fabiano Thompson: The Prokaryotes. Firmicutes and Tenerife . Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-3-642-30121-6 .
  3. a b c Xin Dai, Ya-Nan Wang, Bao-Jun Wang, Shuang-Jiang Liu and Yu-Guang Zhou: Planomicrobium chinense sp. nov., isolated from coastal sediment, and transfer of Planococcus psychrophilus and Planococcus alkanoclasticus to Planomicrobium as Planomicrobium psychrophilum comb. nov. and Planomicrobium alkanoclasticum comb. nov. In: International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology. Volume 55, No. 2, 2005, pp. 699-702. doi: 10.1099 / ijs.0.63340-0
  4. Systematics according to JP Euzéby: List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN) (Status: February 4, 2019)

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