Planning Association Outer Economic Area Munich

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The planning association for the outer economic area of ​​Munich is a voluntary, partnership-based association of 150 cities, markets and municipalities, eight districts and the state capital of Munich and was founded in 1950 as a municipal association . In contrast to the voluntary PV, the Regional Planning Association Munich (RPV) Planning Region Munich is the legally envisaged amalgamation of the municipalities in the Munich planning region and should not be confused with it.

The office advises the members on all questions relating to their spatial development and takes on a wide range of planning tasks for them, from land-use plans and structural reports to school requirements analyzes . It creates publications on regional development, provides information on current specialist topics and offers its members a platform for exchanging views and experiences.


The association is a special purpose association under the law on municipal cooperation . The association is a corporation under public law.

Its organs are:

  • Association Assembly (155 Association Councils)
  • Association Committee (7 Association Councils)
  • Association chairman Christoph Göbel, District Administrator, District of Munich

He runs a branch with about 40 employees, which is also planning services to members takes over.

The association is financed by allocations and remuneration for planning work. The levies are determined and decided annually in the budget charter. The budget is around 3.2 million euros.


The association can be commissioned as a planner and consultant. Offers include urban development plans, concepts and reports, advisory and coordination services and information services. Since the association was founded, the focus of planning work has shifted: in addition to the plan content, informal planning , integrated concepts and the control and moderation of (planning) processes are becoming increasingly important.

Location planning

The activities include planning services according to the building code as well as for informal planning. The focus is on zoning plans and all types of development plans , e.g. B. for residential and commercial areas, public utility and sports facilities, town centers, the restructuring or redensification of already built-up areas. Administrative services are also provided.

Living room

The association deals with ideas and concepts of how cities and municipalities in the Munich region can create affordable housing for normal earners, low-income people or local residents.


He works primarily at the interface between traffic planning and settlement development and, depending on the task at hand, cooperates with engineering offices for traffic and civil engineering planning. She creates concepts for bicycle and pedestrian traffic as well as integrated traffic concepts on a local and regional level, but also advises municipalities on small-scale urban development projects, such as B. the construction of P + R facilities or the redesign of street spaces.

He created the concept for the Munich RadlRing as well as a potential analysis for high- speed cycling connections in the Munich region.

Competitions and VOF procedures

For planning and implementing municipal projects are association members in architectural design and urban architectural competitions by GRW , RPW and ProKunsT 4 and complex planning procedure as VOF process, advise.

Regional development

The regional development department deals with the development of the economic area of ​​Munich as a whole and its sub-areas and communities. Important tasks in this field are the issuing of publications on municipal, district and regional statistics and in-depth analyzes of interesting aspects of regional development. In addition, the PV office also prepares important regional forecasts.

The association works in many regional project groups (e.g. so-called Inzell Rounds for Transport Development , Regional Local Transport Plan, EMM AGs ) and contributes its expertise and ideas for joint regional development.

Technical information

There are regular specialist events, congresses and workshops, such as B. the event series "Energy and Commune" is offered. Information trips for mayors and councilors on important current topics and meetings for professional exchange are also offered.

Different specialist publications are offered:

  • The regional data published annually present selected indicators, e.g. B. population, economic or labor market structure in the Munich region.
  • Statistical data (tables and diagrams) selected with district data and municipal data and processed into indicators are published over a period of ten years, including on the development of population, labor market, tax revenue, housing, commuter volume, traffic, land use and land prices.
  • Information sheets on current issues relating to land use planning and regional development are published regularly


Its members include the state capital Munich , eight districts in the Munich region ( Dachau , Ebersberg , Erding , Freising , Fürstenfeldbruck , Landsberg am Lech , Munich and Starnberg ), 150 cities, markets and municipalities in the Munich economic area.


The association was founded in February 1950 by 38 cities and municipalities, the state capital Munich and the districts of Ebersberg , Munich , Starnberg and Wolfratshausen . The association has grown steadily since then.

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