Poetic theater

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The Poetic Theater has been an amateur theater at the University of Leipzig since 1949 , at that time the Karl Marx University (KMU) Leipzig, and continues to exist today as a registered association. The theater was known under various names such as the student stage, the FDJ student stage of the SME, the Beyerhaus studio stage or the poetic theater " Louis Fürnberg ".


In 1949 the Central Folk Art Ensemble of the KMU was founded with a choir and dance group, in 1951 that of the speaker and amateur theater group and in 1954 that of the student theater. The Fürnberg ensemble and student theater merged in 1968 to form the poetic theater "Louis Fürnberg".

It was a purely amateur theater, but it was also open to participants who were not members of the university. Nevertheless, it played a not insignificant role in the theater scene in the GDR far beyond the borders of Leipzig. Guest performances took some of the ensembles to different cities in the former GDR and in socialist and western countries.

In some cases, those involved in the productions fought with the censors, individual persons in charge of the cultural authorities or functionaries of the then Karl Marx University.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the university was no longer able to run a student theater. In 1993 the Poetisches Theater "Louis Fürnberg" e. V. founded as a carrier. From 1997 the Poetic Theater went under the roof of the LOFFT (short for Leipzig Off-Theater). After the Beyerhaus theater was closed (see below), the company moved to the Leipzig Theaterhaus (formerly the House of Folk Art) on Lindenauer Markt in 1999 .

The well-known Leipzig cabaret " Academixer ", which has existed since 1966, was once a branch of poetic theater.

The Beyerhaus venue

From the 1970s to 1998 the venue was the then university-owned Ernst-Beyer-Haus (Beyerhaus), the former teachers' association at Ernst-Schneller-Straße 6. The Beyerhaus had to be handed over to the Saxon State Property Office in 1992 and was closed in 1998 and sold in 2002. Today there is a student pub there with various events.

Selected contributors

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christian Becher, Bernhard Scheller, Gunter Böhnke, Konstanze Lauterbach et al .: Theater with passion: the student stage at Leipzig University. Passage Verlag, Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-938543-59-7
  2. http://www.beyerhaus.de/

Web links