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Domain : Bacteria (bacteria)
Department : Bacteroidetes
Class : Flavobacteriia
Order : Flavobacteriales
Family : Flavobacteriaceae
Genre : Polaribacter
Scientific name
Gosink et al. 1998

Polaribacter is a genus of bacteria . The name indicates the place where it was found; the first strains of this genus found wereisolatedfrom polar ice .


The cells of Polaribacter are rods, slightly curved rods or they form long filaments. Also cocci can be formed in aging cultures. In the species described up to 2010, the cell length varies, depending on the shape, between 0.8 to 48 μm and the width between 0.25 and 1.6 μm, depending on the respective species, the growth medium, the temperature and the physiological state of the Culture. Most species are immobile. Some types form gas vesicles . Spores are not formed. The Gram stain is negative.

The colonies produce yellow, orange, salmon, or pink pigments. However, these are not flexirubins which are produced by many other related genera. The bacteria grow well in marine media or in media that have been supplemented with sodium chloride (NaCl).


The types of Polaribacter are heterotrophic and therefore use organic compounds as an energy source and to build up cellular substances. They are also dependent on oxygen ( aerobic ).

You can take advantage of a wide variety of carbohydrates, organic acids, and some amino acids. Starch is hydrolyzed . They can also be cultivated on yeast extract . The oxidase test and the catalase test are positive. The dominant quinone is menaquinone 6 (MK-6). Some species have the membrane protein proterorhodopsin . This creates a proton gradient on the cytoplasmic membrane . To do this, the protein uses light energy and pumps protons to the outside; the proton motor force generated is then used for the formation of ATP . Species with these proteins usually have a light orange color, as β- carotene is required for this. Examples are Polaribacter filamentus , P. irgensii and P. dokdonensis .


Polaribacter is part of the Flavobacteriaceae family and thus belongs to the so-called Cytophaga - Flavobacterium -Bacteroides group. The first described species ( type species ) is Polaribacter filamentus . It was introduced by John J. Gosink and co-workers in 1998. The following is a list of some species (as of August 22, 2020):


Most species tolerate low temperatures, they are psychrotolerant (from ancient Greek psychrós "cold"). The species Polaribacter filamentus still shows growth at temperatures around −1.5 ° C. There are also "salt-loving" ( halophilic ) and stenohaline species (tolerate only slight fluctuations in the salinity of the environment). Occurrence areas are seas and salt water lakes. Finds come, for example, from polar salt lakes, the seabed and from marine animals and plants.

Individual evidence

  1. JJ Gosink, CR Woese, JT Staley: Polaribacter gen. Nov., With three new species, P. irgensii sp. nov., P. franzmannii sp. nov. and P. filamentus sp. nov., gas vacuolate polar marine bacteria of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group and reclassification of 'Flectobacillus glomeratus' as Polaribacter glomeratus comb. nov. In: Internal Jurnal of Systematic Bacterioly (1998), Volume 48, Issue 1, pp. 223-235, doi : 10.1099 / 00207713-48-1-223 .
  2. JP Euzéby: List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature - Polaribacter. (As of August 21, 2020).


  • John P. Bowman: Polaribacter . In: Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria. Wiley Online Library, November 19, 2018, doi : 10.1002 / 9781118960608.gbm00333.pub2 .
  • The Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Tenericutes (Mollicutes), Acidobacteria, Fibrobacteres, Fusobacteria, Dictyoglomi, Gemmatimonadetes, Lentisphaerae, Verrucomicrobia, Chlamydiae, and Planctomycetes . In: Noel R. Krieg et al. (Ed.): Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology . 2nd Edition. tape 4 . Springer, New York 2010, ISBN 978-0-387-68572-4 , pp. 106-314 .