Police call 110: No day is like the other

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title No day is like the other
Country of production GDR
original language German
Television of the GDR
length 85 minutes
classification Episode 107 ( List )
First broadcast November 16, 1986 on GDR 1
Director Thomas Jacob
script Ulrich Frohriep
production Hans-Jörg Gläser
Wolfram Klieme
music Arnold Fritzsch
camera Horst Klewe
cut Bert Schultz

No day is like the other is a German crime film by Thomas Jacob from 1986. The television film was released as the 107th episode in the film series Polizeiruf 110 .


Lieutenant Lutz Zimmermann is in a crisis of meaning. His colleagues consider him to be hasty and in fact, with his impatience, he complicates the investigation in the case of a serial offender: In the park, women have been attacked on Tuesdays for some time, some of them raped and some robbed. The investigators set a trap for the perpetrator and let an employee run around in the park. Although the perpetrator appears with Johannsen and prepares to attack the young woman with an iron bar, as in previous cases, Lutz Zimmermann overpowers the perpetrator before he can take action. Johannsen has long denied being the perpetrator, and it takes a lot of extra work before he confesses the deeds. The time that Lutz Zimmermann spends clarifying the case costs him hours together with his new girlfriend Irene Haberkorn. Time and again he has to move them and begins to question his job and his social life. More and more often he avoids his empty apartment, works overtime and sleeps in the office.

One night he cannot sleep again and goes to the station where Jürgen Huebner is on the night shift. Shortly after he went to sleep, Lutz Zimmermann was woken up again and called to a new case. A caretaker found the body of tenant Horst Westphal in the courtyard of his skyscraper. He fell out of the hallway window on the eleventh floor. His wife is in shock and cannot be questioned at first. A boy in the apartment below the Westphals says that he heard an argument that night. The caretaker in turn reports that Sylvia Westphal has a lover in the tenant Peter Braun. However, the investigators do not meet Peter Braun. Sylvia admits to having an affair with Peter. She wanted to end it, but was too weak emotionally. Horst, in turn, planned to give up his job for her.

Lutz Zimmermann now also asks himself whether he should give up his job for Irene. His planned day off, which was already planned with Irene, is canceled when it turns out that Horst Westphal has not committed suicide. He had suffered a cerebral haemorrhage before the fall, but it did not result in death. During another search of the apartment, the investigators found traces on the metal pedal of an old sewing machine. Only now does Sylvia testify that Horst caught her red-handed when he returned home with Peter. A dispute broke out in the course of which Horst fell on the sewing machine pedal. Both thought he was dead and Peter got Sylvia to carry Horst out of the apartment. He finally pushed it out the window. When Sylvia learns that Horst was just passed out at the time, she bursts into tears. Peter is arrested a little later.

Lutz Zimmermann receives two days of special leave and returns to his apartment. Irene is waiting for him here and has set the table. Lutz reacts cautiously. After 15 years of being single, he doesn't know if he's ready for a close relationship. Irene bursts into tears, but he wants to see if he can live by her side for the next two days.


No day is like the other was filmed from January 21 to March 15, 1986 under the working title A day like every other and 72-hour service in Rostock and the surrounding area as well as in Dresden . The costumes of the film created Ruth peoples who Filmbauten come from Hans peoples . The script comes from Ulrich Frohriep, a brother of the main actor Jürgen Frohriep (Lieutenant Jürgen Hübner). The film had its premiere on November 16, 1986 in the first program of East German television. The audience participation was 56.6 percent.

It was the 107th episode in the film series Polizeiruf 110 . First Lieutenant Jürgen Huebner investigated in his 52nd case, First Lieutenant Lutz Zimmermann in his 10th case and Lieutenant Thomas Grawe in his 4th case. The case is one of the few GDR police calls in which the private life of an investigator and the private problems associated with the job are brought to the fore. Lutz Zimmermann is the first investigator to consistently claim his right to his own private and therefore also a love life: “In the GDR, where the working people were repeatedly asked to 'understand the necessity' in the interests of 'society', To put private needs behind social requirements, such a 'thick-headedness' of a law enforcement officer had some weight. "


  • Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases. Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-360-00958-4 , pp. 151–154.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Presentation according to http://www.polizeiruf110-lexikon.de/filme.php?Nummer=107 (link only available to a limited extent)
  2. ^ Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases . Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, p. 115.
  3. ^ Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases . Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, p. 154.