Presidential election in Mozambique 1999

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The presidential election in Mozambique in 1999 was held from December 3 to December 5, 1999 in Mozambique instead. Two candidates were admitted: Joaquim Chissano from the ruling party Frente da Libertação de Moçambique (FRELIMO) and Afonso Dhlakama from the largest opposition party Resistência Nacional Moçambicana (RENAMO). A good 7,000,000 voters were called to vote; the turnout was a good 69%. Joaquim Chissano was elected.

Judgment on democratic standards

The Carter Center , the number of election observers had sent to Mozambique turned cautious "positive signals" regarding the democratic fairness of the election that: There was a consensus of the two parties FRELIMO and RENAMO, the recently even bitter enemies in the Mozambican Civil War had been over the electoral process and also a successful voter registration. However, the center, like the losing party RENAMO, questioned the result, as the independent observers, despite repeated requests, were not granted access to the data that would have enabled confirmation.

As a ruling party, FRELIMO undoubtedly had privileged access to the media and thus a considerable advantage and there were some “irregularities”. However, RENAMO's lawsuit against the Supreme Court result was dismissed.

Results of the 1999 presidential election
candidate Name of his party Number of votes Result in percent
Joaquim Chissano Frente da Libertação de Moçambique (FRELIMO) 2,338,333 52.29%
Afonso Dhlakama Resistência Nacional Moçambicana (RENAMO) 2,133,655 47.71%
Turnout 69.5% Total votes: 4,934,352
