Presidential election in Mozambique in 1994

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The 1994 presidential election in Mozambique took place from October 27 to October 28, 1994, parallel to the parliamentary elections. These were the first multi-party elections in Mozambique after the devastating Mozambican civil war .

In addition to several hopeless applicants, the main opponents were the representatives of the two civil war parties Frente da Libertação de Moçambique (FRELIMO) (candidate: Joaquim Chissano ) and Resistência Nacional Moçambicana (RENAMO) (candidate: Afonso Dhlakama ). Joaquim Chissano was elected.

Official results

Results of the 1994 presidential election
candidate Name of the party Number of votes Result in percent
Joaquim Chissano FRELIMO 2,633,740 53.30%
Afonso Dhlakama RENAMO 1,666,965 33.73%
Wehia Ripua PADEMO 141.905 2.87%
Carlos Reis UNAMO 120,708 2.44%
Máximo slides MONAMO PMSD 115,442 2.34%
Campira Momboya PACODE 58,848 1.19%
Yaqub Sibindy PIMO 51,070 1.03%
Domingos Arouca FUMO-PCD 37,767 0.76%
Carlos Jeque independently 34,588 0.70%
Casimiro Nhamitambo SOL 32,036 0.65%
Mário Machel independently 24,238 0.49%
Padimbe Kamati PPPM 24.208 0.49%
registered voters: 6,148,842 Total votes: 5,402,940 valid votes: 4,941,515 Turnout: 87.9%
