General election in Mozambique 2009

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The parliamentary elections in Mozambique took place on October 28, 2009 at the same time as the presidential election and the first provincial elections. The general election was the fourth general election since the end of the Mozambican Civil War . The elections ended with a huge victory for the ruling party Frente da Libertação de Moçambique (FRELIMO), a defeat of the only significant opposition party Resistência Nacional Moçambicana (RENAMO) and a respectable success for the newly founded party Movimento Democrático de Moçambique (MDM).

24 political parties and five party coalitions had applied to participate in the election at the Comissão Nacional de Eleições - CNE, the national election commission. 19 parties were admitted, only five of them in more than seven of the 13 constituencies (including the “Africa” and “Rest of the World” districts for Mozambicans staying abroad).

Democratic standards

As in the previous elections, there was clear criticism of the democratic standards of the elections. In addition to the preference given to FRELIMO, whose supporters are said to have massively and unfairly used state resources for party propaganda, observers particularly criticized the fact that the newly founded MDM had been excluded for formal reasons in nine of 13 electoral districts. Election observers from the European Union observed numerous irregularities in the counting of votes in polling stations; however, the irregularities would not have a decisive influence on the election results.

Election results

191 51 8th 
A total of 250 seats
  • Frelimo : 191
  • RENAMO : 51
  • MDM : 8
Results of the 2009 general election
Political party Number of votes Share of votes Seats
Frelimo 2,907,335 74.66% 191
RENAMO 688.782 17.68% 51
Movimento Democrático de Moçambique (MDM) 152.836 3.93% 8th
Partido de Liberdade Democrática (PLD) 26,929 0.69% 0
Partido para a Paz, Democracia e Desenvolvimento (PDD) 22,410 0.58% 0
Partido os Verdes de Moçambique (PVM) 19,577 0.50% 0
Aliança Democrática de Antigos Combatentes para o Desenvolvimento (ADACD) 17,275 0.44% 0
Partido de Solidariedade e Liberdade (PAZS) 16,626 0.43% 0
Aliança Independente de Moçambique (ALIMO) 14,959 0.38% 0
Coligação União Eleitoral (UE) 6,786 0.17% 0
Partido de Reconcilliação Nacional (PARENA) 5,610 0.14% 0
Partido Ecologista - Movimento da Terra (ECOLOGISTA-MT) 5,267 0.14% 0
Movimento Patriótico para Democracia (MPD) 2,433 0.06% 0
União dos Democratas de Moçambique - Partido Popular (UDM-PT) 2,190 0.06% 0
União para a Mudança (UM) 1,641 0.04% 0
Partido Trabalhista (PT) 1,239 0.03% 0
Partido Nacional dos Operários e Camponeses (PANAOC) 852 0.02% 0
Partido Popular Democrático (PPD) 712 0.02% 0
Partido De Reconciliação Democrática Social (PRDS) 399 0.01% 0
valid votes: 3,893,858 invalid votes: 493,392 Turnout: 44.44% 250


A result published on November 9th, 2009 still contained inconsistencies, the results added up to more than 100%. Of the 16 other parties that could be elected in one or more electoral districts alongside FRELIMO, RENAMO and MDM, none of the nationwide received even 1% of the votes.

The results of the parliamentary elections broken down by provinces (n. Z. Stands for "not allowed, differences in the number of seats in a province mostly result from different population developments):

Results of the parliamentary elections broken down by province
province Total seats 2009 (2004) Seat FRELIMO Seat RENAMO Seats MDM
Niassa 14 (12) 12 (9) 2 (3) 0
Cabo Delgado 22 (22) 19 (18) 3 (4) nz
Nampula 45 (50) 32 (27) 13 (23) nz
Zambezia 45 (48) 26 (19) 19 (29) nz
Tete 20 (18) 18 (14) 2 (4) nz
Manica 16 (14) 12 (7) 4 (7) nz
Sofala 20 (22) 10 (6) 5 (18) 5
Inhambane 16 (16) 15 (15) 1 (1) 0
Gaza 16 (17) 16 (17) 0 (0) nz
Maputo (province) 16 (13) 15 (12) 1 (1) nz
Maputo city 18 (16) 14 (14) 1 (2) 3
Africa 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) nz
Rest of the world 1 (1) 1 (1) 0 (0) nz
total 250 (250) 191 (160) 51 (90) 8th

Failed RENAMO boycott

The head of RENAMO Afonso Dhlakama ordered the elected MPs of his party not to take their seats because he did not recognize his party's electoral defeat. However, he was not able to assert himself, at the beginning of 2010 almost all RENAMO MPs had taken their oath and accepted their mandate .

Individual evidence

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