Prelude et Fugue sol mineur

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Prélude et Fugue sol Mineur (Prelude and Fugue in G minor) for organ is number 3 from Marcel Dupré's Trois Préludes et Fugues op.7. Composed in or around 1912, it is one of the composer's most frequently performed works.


Dupré wrote the three preludes and fugues in preparation for the “Grand Prix de Rome” in 1914. He played them to his pupil Marcel Lanquetuit in 1911 and friends in Rouen around 1912 , who ruled out publication due to their difficulty. Dupré played it in Salle Gaveau in 1917, during his stay in London in 1920 and on other occasions. The music publisher Éditions Alphonse Leduc in Paris published the three works, Op. 7, in 1920, after Dupré had achieved great fame through the performance of all of Johann Sebastian Bach's organ works at the Paris Conservatory . He dedicated the prelude and fugue in G minor to Joseph Boulnois . He himself particularly valued this opus 7/3, because at least three recordings by Dupré are known, the earliest from 1926. Dupré played the highly virtuoso work hundreds of times as an encore at his organ concerts. In his monograph on Dupré's organ works, Graham Steed draws attention to two small printing errors in bars 44 and 110 of the prelude. Apparently he had access to Dupré's autograph. This assumption is supported by the fact that the first page of Dupré's fair copy of the Prelude for the Leduc publishing house is shown on the cover of the cover of Steed's record recording.

Work description

With the exception of a single bar towards the end, the entire prelude is pervaded by a “spinning-wheel-like whiz” in 12/16 time, determined by gentle flute registers in the 8-foot and 4-foot register. In contrast to this acoustic background, a chorale-like theme first appears on the pedal , then changes over to the treble , while the pedal part only has an organ point-like primer . In the last section, the chorale theme is voiced by the beat voices of the swell with a coupled pedal without its own register in chords of up to eight notes , whereby the pedal must sound up to four notes simultaneously.

The theme of the fugue in 6/8 time (tempo indication "Vif.") Imitates the speaking rhythm and intonation of the name Marcel Dupré. The set shows surprising harmonic turns and receives in its further course, the subject of the Choral Prelude again, again first in the pedal, then - after carrying out the reverse thread joints - in the treble. The last part of the fugue is introduced by two different narrow themes that lead into the now full-bodied chorale theme, accompanied by the very agitated, rolling figures performing pedal part. At the end there is a themed stretta, a unanimous downward passage over four octaves and a cadence ending in a minor key with three powerful chords. Despite their very contradicting character, both movements are connected to one another by the chorale theme.

Discography (selection)

  • Marcel Dupré - Playback of a perforated tape he recorded on the Welte Philharmonic organ in the Instrument Museum Linz a. Rh. (LP Intercord)
  • Marcel Dupré - St. Thomas' Church New York City (LP / CD Mercury, 1957)
  • Pierre Cochereau - Notre Dame de Paris (LP / CD Solstice, 1975)
  • Hans Fagius - Katarinakirche Stockholm (CD BIS, 1987)
  • Janett Fishell - St. George's Episcopal Church, Nashville (CD Naxos, 1997)
  • Jan Kraybill - Casavant Freres, Kansas City (CD Reference, 2013)
  • George Markey - Würzburg Cathedral (LP Psallite, 1979)
  • Kristiaan Seynhave - Victoria-Halle Geneva (CD, FugaLibera, 2003)
  • Graham Steed - Coventry Cathedral (LP RCA Victorola, 1974)
  • Ernst-Erich Stender - St. Marien, Lübeck, large organ (LP Calig, 1994)
  • numerous radio recordings from various broadcasters



  • Viktor Lukas: Reclam's organ music guide. 7th edition. Reclam, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-15-010504-8 , pp. 275-276.
  • Michael Murray: Marcel Duprè - Life and Work of a Master Organist. Edition drawer. Langen 1993, ISBN 3-9500017-3-5 .
  • Graham Steed: The Organ Works of Marcel Dupré. Pendragon, Hillsdale / NY 1999, ISBN 1-57647-007-5 , pp. 7-9 ( limited preview in Google book search).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ SL:  Dupré, Marcel. In: Ludwig Finscher (Hrsg.): The music in past and present . Second edition, personal section, volume 4 (Camarella - Couture). Bärenreiter / Metzler, Kassel et al. 2000, ISBN 3-7618-1114-4 , Sp. 1651 ( online edition , subscription required for full access)
  2. a b Steed: The Organ Works of Marcel Dupré. 1999, p. 2.
  3. ^ Steed: The Organ Works of Marcel Dupré. 1999, p. 7.
  4. Lukas: Reclam's organ music guide. 2002, p. 275.
  5. Lukas: Reclam's organ music guide. 2002, p. 276.
  6. a b Steed: The Organ Works of Marcel Dupré. 1999, p. 8.
  7. ^ Steed: The Organ Works of Marcel Dupré. 1999, p. 9.