Prize for understanding and tolerance

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The prize for understanding and tolerance is an international human rights and tolerance prize . Since 2002 the Jewish Museum Berlin, together with the Society of Friends and Patrons of the Jewish Museum Berlin e. V. the annual price for understanding and tolerance. This award honors personalities from business, culture and politics who have made an outstanding contribution to understanding and tolerance.


With the undoped prize, donated in 2002, the Jewish Museum Berlin wants to honor "personalities who have made an outstanding contribution to understanding and tolerance". The founders emphasize "the social value of a respectful coexistence of different ethical, cultural and religious groups [...] and remind of the high price that all those involved pay for intolerance".

The award is presented annually at a banquet in which guests from all areas of society participate as donors .

Award winners

Web links

  • Website Jewish Museum Berlin [1]

Individual evidence

  1. Lt. Self-presentation
  2. Lt. Self-presentation