Arauco Province

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Basic data
Country Chile
region Biobío
Seat Lebu
surface 5,643.3 km²
Residents 158,916 (2015)
density 28 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 CL-BI
governor Humberto Toro Vega

Coordinates: 37 ° 46 ′  S , 73 ° 20 ′  W

The province of Arauco is the southernmost province of the three that make up the Chilean Región del Bío-Bío . It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west , where the Mocha Island is also located to the southwest. To the east there is a natural border with the coastal mountains , where the Nahuelbuta National Park is located. It extends over an area of ​​5643.3 km² and has 158,916 inhabitants (as of 2015) . The provincial capital is Lebu .


The province is also within the territorial limits of the historical region of Araucanía , the main stage of the Arauco War . After the conclusion of the peace process by the government of Chile in the late 19th century , a contingent of European immigrants and settlers came to the area, among which the founding of Contulmo are carried out by German settlers and the arrival of British , Basque and French immigrants in the Lebu Harbor .


The demography has one of the highest percentages in the country of origin indigenous people and mestizos (mostly Mapuche ).


The province consists of the following 7 municipalities:

local community surface Residents
Arauco 956 km² 34,902
Cañete 760.4 km² 32,140
Contulmo 962 km² 5,515
Curanilahue 994 km² 32,810
Lebu (provincial capital) 56.9 km² 26,509
Los Álamos 599.1 km² 19,716
Tirúa 624 km² 9,644

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (PDF) accessed on June 1, 2017.
  2. José Manuel Zavala Cepeda: Los colonos y la escuela en la araucanía: los inmigrantes europeos y el surgimiento de la educación privada laica y protestante en la región de la araucanía (1887–1915) . In: Universum (Talca), 23 (1), 2008, pp. 268–286 (Spanish), accessed June 1, 2017.