Quantum healing

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The Quantum Healing is an alternative medicine , esoteric method, the basis and effectiveness of science are not used.


Deepak Chopra (2006)

The so-called quantum healing was invented in the late 1980s by the American chiropractor Frank Kinslow and is used in books and on the Internet with the advertising slogan Acts immediately - and everyone can learn it! propagated. Quantum healing does not follow a stringent scientific approach, but uses pseudoscientific elements . She promises the patient " harmony in health , financial and partnership matters". According to the users, this should be done by arranging a postulated "energy field of the body" at the quantum level. For this purpose, the practitioner touches the patient's body at two points in order to limit his alleged quantum field. A well-known “quantum healer” is Deepak Chopra .


Quantum healing advocates claim that the method is as old as mankind itself, “each and every one of us was given the gift of healing” and the Hawaiians have been practicing it for centuries, “and certainly other peoples as well or other way ”. The method is said to have been practiced by indigenous peoples as early as 3000 years ago , basically corresponding to the laying on of hands .

Critics object that one is now trying to achieve a new legitimation of this process by using only scientific vocabulary. Quantum healing has (literally) no points of contact with quantum physics . According to the quantum physicist Florian Aigner , it is “a pure sales strategy ” that arbitrarily generalizes statements from quantum physics to medical problems, but has “nothing to do with healing ”.

The double-slit experiment and Schrödinger's cat are often introduced to justify quantum healing . However, there are only explanations of analogy ; no logical bridge is built between quantum physics and human wellbeing . According to Aigner, it's like saying: "I'll explain to you now how a car works, the wheels turn, and an electron in the atom also turns around the atomic nucleus, and that's why the car drives." no logical bridge is built, only terms from physics are used and transposed to provide an explanation. However, all positive effects are due to placebo effects and autosuggestion . Overall, quantum healing is no longer to be understood as a relaxation exercise .

The immense financial turnover is often attached as a strong motivation behind this concept . Overall, sales in esotericism with chakra activation, singing bowl therapy or seminars on quantum healing in Germany alone currently amount to 20 to 25 billion euros per year.

A doctoral thesis on the effectiveness of quantum healing was published in 2014 at the Institute for Transcultural Health Sciences at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) , which again met with fierce criticism. In the case of a master's thesis on clairvoyance, the university had previously been accused of supporting a "complete derailment of academic quality standards", so that the Brandenburg University Structure Commission had recommended the dissolution of the institute.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Boris Geiger: The fascination of knowledge: The esoteric test - science or humbug? ( Memento from March 3, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: Bayerisches Fernsehen from February 18, 2014
  2. a b Eva Tinsobin: Healing with quanta. In: Der Standard from May 3, 2013
  3. a b Eva Tinsobin: Quantum physics has nothing to do with quantum healing In: Der Standard from May 3, 2013
  4. Martina Forsthuber, Arndt Müller, Vanessa Voss: The business with the sick soul ( Memento from April 25, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: Format from April 30, 2014
  5. Manuela Pietza: Controlled Studies on the Effectiveness of Quantum Healing , Diss. European University Viadrina Frankfurt 2014  in the German Digital Library
  6. ^ A b Joseph Kuhn: Health Check: News from the spearhead of the Enlightenment , ScienceBlogs , 23 August 2014
  7. Edith Kresta: Professor of Alternative Medicine: "We are the spearhead of the Enlightenment" , Die Tageszeitung , June 15, 2012
  8. Sebastian Herrmann: Esotericism at the University of Viadrina: Looking too deep into the tube , Süddeutsche Zeitung , June 12, 2012