Quanto costa

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Original title Quanto costa
Country of production Italy , France
original language Italian
Publishing year 1968
length 92 minutes
Director Sergio Merolle
script Biagio Proietti
production Sergio Merolla
Robert Dorfmann
music Francesco De Masi
camera Benito Frattari
cut Antonietta Zita

Quanto costa morire is not listed in the German speaking spaghetti westerns of Sergio Merolle .


In a mountain area of ​​the Wild West, the cattle thieves led by Scaife and their stolen herd are stuck in winter; the pass is too deeply snowed to cross. They decide to wait for spring to come in the nearby village. The sheriff who opposes them is fatally injured; the inhabitants of the town are almost defenseless exposed to the meanness of the gang and are forced to work hard for the bandits under the most difficult circumstances; every resistance is answered with immediate killing.

Tony, the adopted son of the murdered former sheriff, manages to escape; In a hiding place in the woods he plans his revenge: Again and again and surprisingly he rides into the city for actions and quickly disappears again. Tony receives unexpected support from one of the bandits, Dan El, who advises him and instructs him in technical skills; in fact, Dan El is his real father. When he finally manages to free some of the townspeople, they join forces with him and kill the bandits. Meanwhile, Dan El is looking for a duel with his boss Scaife, in the course of which they both die.


"With this local western, the concentration on the action in a spectacular way proves to be efficient, while the dialogue scenes tend to interrupt the drama", judged the Segnalazioni Cinematografiche . Christian Keßler rates the film as excellent, the plot of which "develops slowly and steadily, which greatly encourages the tension due to the locally limited location". The script is believable to highlight the actors.


It is the only directorial work by producer Merolle, which grossed 111.56 million lire at the Italian box office .

Raoul sings the movie song Who Is the Man .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry at the Archivio del Cinema Italiano
  2. Segnalazioni Cinematografiche, Vol. 65, 1968
  3. Christian Keßler: Welcome to Hell. 2002, p. 200
  4. Roberto Poppi, Mario Pecorari: Dizionario del cinema italiano: I film Vol. 3. Rome, Gremese, 1992, p. 419