Carl Gustaf Qvarnström

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Carl Gustaf Qvarnström (born March 23, 1810 in Stockholm ; † March 5, 1867 there ) was a Swedish sculptor and painter .


He was the son of a royal servant and began drawing at the children's school of the Kungliga Konsthögskolan when he was 11 . In 1824 Qvarnström moved to the modeling section of the same school, where he became a student of Gustaf Erik Hasselgren and Fredric Westin . When the sculptor Johan Niclas Byström returned to Stockholm in 1829, Qvarnström became his pupil and almost completely gave up painting. In 1836 he received a travel grant and moved to Italy , where he lived mostly in Rome for the next 6 years .

When Qvarnström moved back to Stockholm in 1842, he became a member of the art academy and in 1843 deputy professor. In 1852 he was promoted to full professor and a year later he took over the post of director of the teaching facility of his academy. During this time, Qvarnström made several trips to Paris , Munich and Italy.

Qvarnström's art was in many ways representative of the tastes of his time. He was influenced by Bengt Erland Fogelberg and Bertel Thorvaldsen , among others . He was highly regarded as a teacher. During his time as director at the art academy, two new painting courses were created. Many of his sculptures, sketches and plaster models are exhibited or kept in the Swedish National Museum. Some are also in the Gothenburg Museum .

Works (selection)

Paintings and drawings

  • Epameinondas' död (1829)
  • Fritjofs Lycka (1829)
  • Ingeborgs klagan (1829)


Model for the Engelbrekt statue in Örebro
  • Skjutande Amor (1830)
  • Nessos och Deianeira (1831)
  • Årstiderna (Seasons, Four Sculptures, 1834)
  • Dygnets stunder (relief, 1841)
  • Uller (1841)
  • Idun (1843)
  • 6 allegorical figures (1847)
  • Esaias Tegnér (1849, for Lund )
  • Hvilan i ecnen (1851)
  • Neapolitansk fiskargosse (in marble, 1852)
  • Flicka överraskad i bathes (1855)
  • Idun bortröfvad af jatten Tjasse i örnhamn (1856)
  • Berzelius (1858, for Stockholm)
  • De fyra elements (relief, 1858)
  • KA Agardh (1859, gravestone in Lund)
  • Gustaf Vasa (in bronze, 1863, city park in Västerås )
  • Gustaf II Adolf ( House of Knights in Stockholm)
  • Dagen och Natten (1860)
  • Loke riktar pilen åt den blind Höder (1863)
  • Martyrerna (1866)
  • Engelbrekt (1865, for Örebro )
  • Valkyrjor föra en fall kämpe till Valhall


Web links

Commons : Carl Gustaf Qvarnström  - collection of images, videos and audio files