Río Cotagaita

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Río Cotagaita
location Bolivia
River system Río de la Plata
Drain over Río Tumusla  → Río Camblaya  → Río Pilaya  → Río Pilcomayo  → Río Paraguay  → Río Paraná  → Río de la Plata  → Atlantic
origin Confluence of Río Blanco and Río Phusuta
20 ° 36 ′ 14 ″  S , 65 ° 53 ′ 52 ″  W
Source height 2995  m
muzzle Río Tumusla Coordinates: 20 ° 41 ′ 28 ″  S , 65 ° 25 ′ 48 ″  W 20 ° 41 ′ 28 ″  S , 65 ° 25 ′ 48 ″  W.
Mouth height 2439  m
Height difference 556 m
Bottom slope 6.5 ‰
length 86 km
Left tributaries Río Quechisla, Río Caiti, Río Tolota, Río Limela
Navigable No

The Río Cotagaita is a river in the Potosí department in the Andes high mountains of southern Bolivia .

The river has a total length of 86 kilometers and flows through the two cantons of Río Blanco and Cotagaita in the municipality of Cotagaita in the province of Nor Chichas in a north-west-south-east direction. The Río Cotagaita bears the name Río Blanco in the upper reaches and then bears his name downstream from the confluence of the Río Phusuta into the Río Blanco.

From the confluence of the Río Caiti into the Río Cotagaita at kilometer 31, the river is accompanied on the right by a dirt road to its confluence with the Río Tumusla . The only notable settlement on the course of the Río Cotagaita is the village of Cotagaita on the left bank of the river; here is also one of the two road bridges over the river, the second crosses the Río Cotagaita just before its mouth.

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