Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg

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Logo of the cooperative banks  Raiffeisenbank
Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Seat 94333 Geiselhöring
legal form Registered cooperative
Bank code 743 690 88
founding March 31, 1901
Association GVB
Website www.rb-geiselhoering.de
Business data 2019
Total assets EUR 306.98 million
insoles EUR 240.92 million
Customer credit 165.49 million euros
Employee 62
Offices 6th
Members 2,957
Board Gottfried Weber (chairman),
Hubert Kammermeier
Supervisory board Johann Bauer (Chairman)
List of cooperative banks in Germany

The Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG is a cooperative bank with headquarters in Geiselhöring . Its business area is in the Labertal and the Bayerbach valley in the districts of Straubing-Bogen and Landshut .


The cooperative was founded on March 31, 1901. It appeared for the first time under the name of Laberweintinger Loan Fund Association eGmuH . The name of the fund was renamed in 1934 to Savings and Loan Fund Laberweinting eGmuH and in 1953 to the name Raiffeisenkasse Laberweinting eGmuH . In April 1958, the Raiffeisenkasse Laberweinting has the Raiffeisenkasse Haader merged . On June 17, 1959, the General Assembly approved the opening of a paying office in Grafentraubach . A branch was opened in Geiselhöring on February 1, 1969. The company name changed to the name Raiffeisenbank Laberweinting-Geiselhöring eGmbH . The Raiffeisenkasse Laberweinting-Geiselhöring merged on May 28, 1969 with the Raiffeisenkasse Hadersbach and on September 30, 1972 with the Raiffeisenkasse Hainsbach . A merger with Raiffeisenbank Pfaffenberg eG takes place on July 20, 1978. The company name has been Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG since then . On May 31, 1979 the Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG merged with the Raiffeisenbank Ascholtshausen . At the beginning of 1984 a branch was founded in Neufahrn . On October 2, 1992, the new Pfaffenberg branch was opened. At the end of 2007 the Laberweinting branch moved into its new business premises.

In 2019 the Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG merged with the Raiffeisenbank Hofkirchen-Bayerbach eG.

Business alignment

As a registered cooperative, Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG adheres to the basic values ​​of the cooperative. First and foremost, these are regional ties and the promotion of the region, its customers and its members. For this purpose, the bank has six branches.


The organs of the bank are the management board , the supervisory board and the representative assembly. The representative assembly consists of the representatives of the bank, who represent the highest body of a cooperative bank. You become a member of a cooperative bank by purchasing shares in the bank. You become a representative by electing the members of the bank.

Protection scheme

In addition to the statutory deposit guarantee, Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG is the guarantee scheme of the Federal Association of German Volksbanks and Raiffeisenbanks e. V. (BVR) affiliated. This facility operates deposit protection, making the deposits ( savings bonds , savings , schedule and demand deposits as well as affiliated banks issued bearer bonds and certificates ) secured by customers in unlimited height.

In addition, the BVR protection scheme pursues institute protection, ie an affiliated bank that is in financial difficulties is being restructured and provided with financial resources so that it can meet all its obligations.

Network partner

The network partners are independent partner companies from the financial services sector, which complement or expand the range of products and services offered by Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG. These include:

BankCard ServiceNetz

The Raiffeisenbank Geiselhöring-Pfaffenberg eG cooperative bank is connected to the nationwide BankCard ServiceNetwork and the BankCard AccountInfo.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Master data of the credit institute at the Deutsche Bundesbank
  2. Facts and figures as of December 31, 2019
  3. Announcement of the District Court of Straubing GnR 525 on September 17, 2019

Coordinates: 48 ° 49 ′ 35.9 ″  N , 12 ° 23 ′ 40.7 ″  E