Kaliningrad Raion

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The Kaliningrad Rajon ( Russian Калининградский район , Kaliningradski rajon) was a Rajon in the Russian Kaliningrad Oblast from 1947 to 1959 . In the north it is bounded by the city of Kaliningrad and the river Pregel , on the east by Gvardeysky District and the Pravdinsky District and the west by the Vistula Lagoon and from Rajon ladushkin . In the south the Rajon extended to the former Kreuzburger Kleinbahnhof (Russian: Sadowoje ) and was bordered by the Rajon Bagrationovsk . Its administrative seat was the settlement Niwenskoje (Wittenberg) .


The Rajon was formed on July 25, 1947 from parts of Guryevsk Rajon and Bagrationovsk Rajon. He was managed by the Executive Committee of the Kaliningrad Rajonsowjets of deputies of working people (ru Исполнительный комитет Калининградского районного Совета депутатов трудящихся, Ispolnitelny komitet Kaliningradskowo rajonowo Soweta Deputatov trudjaschtschichsja; short. Калининградский Райисполком, Kaliningradski Rajispolkom). On April 27, 1959, the district was dissolved again and distributed to the Bagrationovsk, Gwardeisk and Ladushkin districts.

Village Soviets 1947–1959

Surname Administrative headquarters German name Remarks
Komsomolski Komsomolsk Löwenhagen since the early 1950s, previously probably Semjonowski
Marijski Marijskoye Weissenstein until 1950, then Chekhovsky
Niwenski Niwenskoye Wittenberg
Zelenopolsky Zelenopolye Borchersdorf until 1954, then to Komsomolski
Semyonovsky Semyonovo Fuchsberg until the beginning of the 1950s, then probably Komsomolski
Chekhovsky Chekhovo Uderwangen since 1950, previously Marijski
Vladimirovsky Vladimirovo Tharau
Zwetkowski Zwetkowo Bergau


Party secretaries of the WKP (B) / CPSU

  • 1947–1948: F. Yes. Berlisow (Ф. Я. Берлизов)
  • 1948–1950: Semjon Nikolajewitsch Alexandrow (Семён Николаевич Александров)
  • 1950: MI Mischkin (М. И. Мишкин)
  • 1950–1953: PF Korablew (П. Ф. Кораблев)
  • 1953–1957: Grigori Ivanovich Kusin (Григорий Иванович Кузин)
  • 1957–1959: PS Gritschukow (П. С. Гричуков)


  • 1947–1949: WK Akimow (В. К. Акимов)
  • 1949: MW Potikow (М. В. Ротиков)
  • 1949–1953: AG Remisow (А. Г. Ремизов)
  • 1953–1958: Valentin Ivanovich Mossin (Валентин Иванович Мосин)
  • 1958–1959: Fyodor Michailowitsch Fedosejew (Фёдор Михайлович Федосеев)

See also


  1. Through the Указ Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР от 25 июля 1947 г. "Об административно-территориальном устройстве Калининградской области" (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of July 25, 19e47)
  2. gako.name