Ramon José Castellano

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Ramón José Castellano (born February 15, 1903 in Villa Dolores , Argentina , † January 27, 1979 in Córdoba , Argentina) was Archbishop of Córdoba .


Ramón José Castellano was ordained a priest for the diocese of Córdoba on September 18, 1926 .

On November 24, 1945, Pope Pius XII appointed him . the titular bishop of Flavia and auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Córdoba. The episcopal ordination on April 28, 1946 donated him the Archbishop of Córdoba, Fermín Emilio Lafitte ; Co- consecrators were Froilán Ferreira Reinafé , Bishop of La Rioja , and Alfonso María Buteler , Archbishop of Mendoza .

Pope John XXIII appointed him on March 26, 1958 Archbishop of Córdoba. On January 19, 1965, Pope Paul VI took resigned and appointed him titular archbishop pro hac vice of Iomnium . He renounced the titular seat on December 20, 1970.

He was the council father of the first and second session of the Second Vatican Council .

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predecessor Office successor
Fermín Emilio Lafitte Archbishop of Cordoba
Raúl Francisco Primatesta