Raymundo López Mateos

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Raymundo López Mateos OFM (born March 4, 1932 in Angangueo , Michoacán , Mexico , † April 3, 2000 ) was Bishop of Ciudad Victoria .


Raymundo López Mateos joined the Congregation of the Franciscan at and received on 4 June 1955, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On December 20, 1985, Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Ciudad Victoria. The Apostolic Nuncio in Mexico, Archbishop Girolamo Prigione , donated him episcopal consecration on January 29, 1986 ; Co- consecrators were the auxiliary bishop in Monterrey , Alfonso de Jesús Hinojosa Berrones , and the archbishop of Monterrey, Adolfo Antonio Suárez Rivera .

On November 3, 1994, John Paul II accepted his early resignation

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predecessor Office successor
Alfonso de Jesús Hinojosa Berrones Bishop of Ciudad Victoria
Antonio González Sánchez