Rena DeAngelo

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Rena DeAngelo is a production designer .


DeAngelo began her career on the film staff in 1995 as a cloakroom and began working as a production designer in 1998. In addition to major Hollywood productions such as Because There You Are and Hitch - The Date Doctor , she also worked for US television, where she worked on Mad Men and The Sopranos , among others . For Steven Spielberg's Bridge of Spies - The Negotiator , she was nominated together with Adam Stockhausen and Bernhard Henrich for an Oscar in the category Best Production Design in 2016 . In 2017 she worked again for Spielberg on Die Verlegerin . 2014 she worked as a reporter in a small role in the James Brown - biopic Get on Up to see.

Filmography (selection)

Awards (selection)

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