Renate Rustler-Ourth

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Renate Rustler-Ourth (born April 6, 1949 in Salzburg , Austria ) is an Austrian actress and director .


Renate Rustler-Ourth has been an actress since 1975 and received her stage maturity examination in Munich. As one of the first female directors in the German-speaking world, she created her first production: The Tower by Peter Weiss in 1982. She then received contracts in the theater organization area at the Salzburg State Theater . In 1988, after the death of Georges Ourth , she was elected Artistic Director of the Elisabethbühne Salzburg.

She had guest productions at the Grand Théatre Luxembourg (The Expectation, Opera by A. Schönberg , with Leopold Hager and Günter Brus , Anne Frank von Goodrich). Since 1988 she has been the director of the drama school at the Elisabethbühne and a theater teacher. In 1988, as a theater director, she achieved collaborations with theaters in Lithuania and Moscow and a collaboration with the Moscow art school GITIS . The highlight of the bilingual productions was the collaboration with the Russian director Pyotr Fomenko .

From 1992 she took over lectureships at the Paris-Lodron University in Salzburg and in 1995 she received a Troll-Borostyani Prize from the City of Salzburg. Under her leadership, the Elisabethbühne moved to the Petersbrunnhof in 1996 . From 1997 she was the general manager and director of the drama school at the Elisabethbühne - Schauspielhaus until 2004. In 1999 Renate Rustler-Ourth was one of the founding members of the stART Festival of Current Music. In 2004 she received an award for services to the city's cultural life. From 2005 onwards there were productions, museum projects as well as training and translation activities.


Her total of 44 productions took place at the Elisabethbühne (today the Schauspielhaus Salzburg ), at the Théatres de la Ville de Luxembourg , at the Kasemattentheater and at the Stadttheater Trier . These included:

  • Gombrowicz: Yvonne, the Burgundy princess and the wedding with Harald Krassnitzer
  • Shakespeare: What you will
  • Hamlet, Chekhov: the seagull and three sisters
  • Kleist: The Schroffenstein family
  • Dürrenmatt: King Johann
  • Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac
  • Mnouschkine / Man: Mephisto
  • Lars Noren: Blood
  • Falk Richter: Under ice and a state of emergency

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