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Reykjanesbær Coat.svg
Basic data
State : IcelandIceland Iceland
Region: Suðurnes
Constituency : Suðurkjördæmi
Sýsla : circular
Population: 18,920 (January 1, 2019)
Surface: 145 km²
Population density: 130.48 inhabitants / km²
Post Code: 230, 232, 233, 260 (Reykjanesbær)
235 (Keflavíkurflugvöllur)
Community number 2000
Mayor: Kjartan Már Kjartansson
Location of Reykjanesbær

Coordinates: 64 ° 0 ′  N , 22 ° 33 ′  W

Reykjanesbær ( dt. "Smoke Peninsula City") is a municipality on the peninsula Reykjanes in southwest Iceland .

It was created in 1994 through the merger of the towns of Keflavík ( Keflavíkurbær ) and Njarðvík ( Njarðvíkurbær ) with the rural municipality of Hafnir ( Hafnahreppur ). Since 2007 there is still the new village Vallarheiði with 539 inhabitants.

The community has a total of 18,920 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2019).


The largest city in the municipality is Keflavík with 8,169 inhabitants.


Njarðvík ( Eng. "Bay of Njörðr ") is a small Icelandic town (4,398 inhabitants) in the west of the Reykjanesskagi peninsula. The quiet port town ( fishing and fish processing ) is divided into two districts: Innri-Njarðvík ( Inner Njarðvík ) and Ytri-Njarðvík (the significantly younger district, Outer Njarðvík ).

The place has few architectural features, worth mentioning is the idiosyncratic light concrete church Ytri-Njarðvíkurkirkja by Ormar Þór Guðmundsson and Örnólfur Hall , which was inaugurated in 1979. In the older part of the village there is the Innri-Njarðvíkurkirkja , which was inaugurated in 1886 and made of stone . The place also has a youth hostel .


Hafnir is a small town with 108 inhabitants on the west side of the Reykjanesskagi, on the south bank of the Ósar Bay .

Sons and daughters of the church

Town twinning

Reykjanesbær lists seven twin cities :

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vinabæir | Upplýsingavefur sveitarfélagsins Reykjanesbæjar. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .
  2. Upplýsingavefur sveitarfélagsins Reykjanesbæjar - Vinabæir . Archived from the original on December 2, 2014. Retrieved January 4, 2015.
  3. KEFLAVÍK REYKJANESBÆR . Retrieved August 11, 2015.