Richard Bitalis

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Richard Bitalis
Billard Picto 2-white-l.svg
Bitalis 2.jpg
Personal details
birthday 10th January 1946 (age 74)
place of birth Pau , FranceFranceFrance 
nationality FranceFrance France
Unless otherwise stated,
the information relates to the “three cushion” discipline.
World Championships:
Vice World Cup 1983
Continental Championships:
Vice European Championship 1989
Other tournaments:
11 × French Champion, three-cushion world cup 1989/1

Richard Bitalis (born January 10, 1946 in Pau , France ) is a French carom player . He is multiple French champion and runner-up in the three-cushion discipline .


Bitalis began playing billiards at the age of ten. Without going the classic route via the free game and cadre , he started straight away with the supreme discipline of three cushion. With his competitor Egidio Vierat , he fought exciting duels in France for the title of best player in France. In his billiards salon in Nice he also worked as a "professor". He won his first title at an international tournament in 1974; a year earlier he had won the bronze medal straight away as the second French participant at the three-cushion European championship. With the establishment of the Three Cushion World Cup in 1986 and the associated formation of a professional team, Bitalis was there from the start. However, the big title was denied to him throughout his life, despite his outstanding performance. He was close to it twice. In 1983 he was vice world champion and in 1989 vice European champion in three cushion. His greatest international success was his victory over Ludo Dielis at the World Cup in Antwerp in 1989 . In 1990 he was again in Paris and Norrköping in the final of the World Cup.


The jazz lover Bitalis lives in Cannes with his wife . The two have two children (son and daughter) together.

In the international billiards scene he is considered a joker. His opponents can never be safe from his attacks. Typical for him is z. For example, the scene that occurred during his victory over Ludo Dielis at the World Cup in Antwerp in 1989, when he stormed Dielis and kissed the bewildered Belgian on the forehead, an outrageous behavior in the more reserved billiard circles.

Due to some eye / back operations and problems with the heart, things have calmed down a bit. But he still stands at the table and likes to play for his life. He says about himself:

“I'm almost dead, but billiards is my life. I will only stop when I fall on the table and can no longer move. "



Web links

Commons : Richard Bitalis  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Richard Bitalis in the Munzinger archive ( beginning of article freely available)
  2. I'm almost dead, but billiard is my life on Retrieved July 15, 2014.
  3. Achievements on Retrieved July 13, 2014.