Richard Mandroschke

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Richard Mandroschke (born June 20, 1887 in Oederan , † January 8, 1948 in Kannawurf ) was a German inventor.


He was born as the son of business people Karl and Henriette (née Staberoh). The parents owned a tailor shop, which they later sold and invested the proceeds in two rental houses. After attending the Realgymnasium in Flöha from 1894, he graduated from high school in 1908 and studied for a short time at the Bergakademie in Freiberg . In 1912 Mandroschke moved to the art college in Halle an der Saale . After conventional Impressionist and Expressionist beginnings, Mandroschke took courses with Paul Thiersch until 1914 . The artistic upheaval during this time, which u. a. in the Blauer Reiter and in the artist group Brücke , founded in 1905 , he had not noticed.

After completing his studies, Mandroschke married Helene Planer in 1915. For the First World War he was drafted in March 1917 and released in June because of his unstable health - he suffered from epilepsy . Until November 1918 he was obliged to work as a technical draftsman in the Oederaner chair factory. His first and only son Kurt was born on November 16, 1918.

Mandroschke was hardly politically active, even if he sympathized with the radical artist group, the November group , founded in 1918 .

Richard Mandroschke left behind an extensive work, especially as an inventor. All of Mandroschke's inventions are not inventions in the conventional sense, but art objects. Mandroschke's objects show a close proximity to Dadaism , although there is no evidence that Mandroschke was in contact with the Dadaists. Today Mandroschke would be classified in the field of happening , performance and object cabaret artists.

Mandroschke died on January 8, 1948 in Kannawurf . The cause of death was pulmonary edema and myocarditis .

Some of his works were shown posthumously at documenta (1955) and documenta II (1959) in Kassel .

In October 2012 the Mandroschke theater named after him was opened in Halle (Saale) .

In memory of Richard Mandroschke, the Oederaner Straße "Staberohweg" is named after him.

Works (selection)

  • Circle, Herrmann Neutsch, 1924
  • Music of the future, shellac, 1929
  • Solidifying hydrochloric acid, glass sculpture, 1929
  • Fixed turntable of the small form, 1932
  • Cherry blossom in the Kaisertal, original duplicate, oil on canvas, 1932
  • Salt immersion heater, 1939


About 100 works by Mandroschke are known before 1940, of which only a few have survived after the Second World War . In 1955, the Burg Giebichenstein Halle art college suggested setting up a foundation to administer Mandroschke's estate and, if necessary, to purchase Mandroschke's works. This plan was prohibited by the central organs of the GDR in 1956.