Richard Peduzzi

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Richard Peduzzi (born January 28, 1943 in Argentan ) is a French architect , painter and set designer . From 1990 to 2002 he was director of the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs de Paris and then headed the Académie de France à Rome for six years .

As an exhibition architect

As an exhibition architect, Peduzzi designed the opera rooms in the Musée d'Orsay and the rooms on the history of the Louvre in the Musée du Louvre , the collections of Daniel Filipacchi and Nesuhi Ertegün at the Guggenheim Museum New York , exhibitions at the Grand Palais and Villa Medici in Rome (both 1999), as well as the Nijinski exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay (2000–01) and the Salon du meuble de Paris (2002).

He was also responsible for the French pavilion at the EXPO 1992 in Seville , the furniture of the Bibliothèque nationale de France , and the establishment of the National Museum in Luxembourg .

In 2012, the expanded and modernized fermentation cellar (cuvier), designed by Peduzzi, was put into operation in the Château Mouton-Rothschild winery in Pauillac , Gironde department .

As a set designer

Since 1968, Peduzzi has been responsible for all of Patrice Chéreau’s spoken theater and opera productions. Legendary its equipment was the Chéreau'schen Ring des Nibelungen for the 100th anniversary of the Richard Wagner Festival in Bayreuth in 1976 - also known as the century ring , conductor was Pierre Boulez . The same team was celebrated by the audience and critics for the world premiere of Lulu by Alban Berg, completed by Friedrich Cerha , in Paris in 1979 - with reprises at the Scala in Milan . Chéreaus and Peduzzi's work for the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence was also extremely successful : Così fan tutte (2005, later also seen in Paris and Vienna ) and Leoš Janáček's From a House of the Dead (2007, then also in Vienna and Berlin ) .

For the Salzburg Festival , Peduzzi designed the sets for Chéreaus Don Giovanni (1994), Luc Bondy 's Nozze di Figaro (1995) and Peter Zadek's production of the rise and fall of the city of Mahagonny (1998). Peduzzi has worked with Luc Bondy since the late 1980s - for example for Die Zeit und das Zimmer (1989 at the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz ), The Turn of the Screw (2001 at the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence ), Racines Phèdre (2003 in Paris) or Handel's Hercules (2005 at the Wiener Festwochen ).


Individual evidence

  1. Information on the website of the Berlin State Opera , accessed on October 30, 2012