Richard Wrede

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Richard Wrede

Ferdinand Christian Wilhelm "Richard" Wrede (born February 27, 1869 ; † October 20, 1932 ) was a German lawyer, journalist and author.


Wrede was born the son of the merchant and landowner Georg Friedrich Robert Salomon and his wife Luise Elisabeth Wilhelmine Wrede zu Münzberg near Braunschweig. After the divorce, Wilhelmine Wrede was allowed to use the family name Wrede again from February 14, 1879, due to a permit from the Brunswick Ministry.

After graduating from high school , Richard Wrede immediately began studying law . The study locations were Leipzig , Lausanne and Berlin .

He earned the Dr. jur . and Dr. phil.

Richard Wrede was married to Hedwig Margarethe Elisabeth Dettki (1881–1971). The Wrede couple had 7 children.

Richard Wrede was already active as a writer during his studies.

He had joined the International Correspondence Association (ICA) at the beginning of his studies and had edited its journal Icaea . The international correspondence association was published in 1892 by the Agnes Graff bookstore in Braunschweig . Their essence and their meaning. his brochure in which he clarified the nature and meaning of the ICA.

In 1893, the Mayer and Müller publishing house in Berlin published guidelines for the institutions of Roman law . The booklet should be a guide in three ways: it should introduce, lead through and lead over.


The criticism around 1896 (poster by Hans Christiansen )

After passing his doctoral and legal state examination, Richard Wrede initially worked in the Braunschweig judicial service from 1894. In October 1895 he went to Berlin where he continued his political economy continued studies and graduated. The first Berlin publications were published in the weekly magazine (later monthly ), Die Critique , which appeared since 1894 . In November 1895, he acquired the review and was the sole owner and publisher from 1896 . Under the heading "Berlin premieres" he had taken over the theater review upon request .

At some point during his time in Berlin, Richard Wrede also became theater director at the "Berliner Kammerspiel-Bühne".

From 1893 Richard Wrede worked on plans to found a journalism college. It was opened in Berlin on January 4, 1900. The listener was Egon Erwin Kisch (1906).

At the beginning of 1902 Richard Wrede founded the association "Deutscher Editors". It should be the professional organization of all editors in Germany. The mouthpiece of the association was "Die Redaktion", a specialist magazine for editors, journalists , writers and publishers . In 1897 the first volume "Das Geistige Berlin" appeared . An encyclopedia of the intellectual life of Berlin. Publisher Richard Wrede and Hans von Reinfels . The third volume appeared in 1898. In 1902 the "Handbuch der Journalistik" appeared, the second edition was printed in 1906. Further publications: "History of the corporal punishment of all peoples from ancient times to the present day". "Der Motorbootsport" appeared in 1902 (second edition 1922). 1912/1913 originated and published "Tourenfahrten im Motorboot " (second edition 1925).


Richard Wrede was a member of the "Schlaraffia Berlin". He was chairman of the "German Motorboat Club" and President of the "German Powerboat Association". From 1913 he was in a leading position in the "German Cruiser - Yacht Association". He has also written various plays. In 1923 Richard Wrede left Berlin with his family and returned to the ancestral home of the Wrede Thiede family (today Salzgitter-Thiede).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Daniel Müller: Richard Wredes Schule - the rejected legacy of October 15, 2005, accessed on July 31, 2013
  2. ZEFYS> Die Redaktion , accessed on July 31, 2013