Execution sites in Wuppertal

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In the urban area of ​​today's city of Wuppertal there were several execution sites from the Middle Ages and modern times up to the 20th century. The following places of execution in Wuppertal are occupied:

Occupied places of execution

  • Medieval and early modern gallows of Bergisch Office Beyenburg where Heerweg Cologne-Dortmund on the border official Bornefeld totaling Cluse . The parcel is called Im Galgenfeld in today's cadastre .
  • In the Siebeneick residential area, there is evidence of a medieval / early modern execution site on a branch of the Alte Cölnische Strasse . The parcel is called Galgenbusch in today's cadastre .
  • In the Galgenfeld zu Schöllersheide , also on the Alte Cölnische Strasse on the border to the Bergisch Amt Mettmann , executions of the Schöller rule have been carried out in modern times . The most famous delinquent was the robber captain Johannes ' Köphannes ' (= beheaded Johannes) Auerbäumer in 1805 .
  • In modern times, the Elberfeld execution site was located on Brausenwerth .
  • Executions with guillotine were carried out in Elberfeld prison in Bendahl until 1912 . The neighboring district court , which pronounced the death sentences , was on a Wupperinsel . A macabre interpretation of the saying “… go over the Wupper (= to die) results from this geographical constellation in which the convicts were brought across the Wupper to the place of execution in the prison.
  • There was a gallows on the Elberfelder Hardtberg in the 17th and 18th centuries. He stood on a place surrounded by a wall on the southern mountain slope. This place was called "the court". The Hardtberg used to be called " Galgenberg " or " Galgenköppken ". Later, instead of a gallows, a gallows tree was used. A four-hundred-year-old oak on the northern edge of the rock face of the Waldbühne Hardt , which existed until the end of the 20th century, has been handed down as a gallows tree.

Unoccupied places of execution

In legends, places of execution are also mentioned without historical evidence:


  • Notes on the history of the executions in Wuppertal . Romerike Berge 2, 2007

Individual evidence

  1. Gerd Helbeck , "Beyenburg - History of a place on the Bergisch-Märkische border and its surrounding area" , Volume I (The Middle Ages: Basics and Ascent) , ISBN 978-3-9811749-1-5
  2. Time track search: Schöller
  3. ^ Antonia Dinnebier : Landscape Garden Hardt
  4. Otto Schell : Bergische Sagen , Baedeker, 1897