Robert Arzet

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Robert Arzet (born April 28, 1889 in Steinen (Baden) ; † December 8, 1950 ) was a German businessman who worked as an archivist in banking and as an editor.


He was the son of master cooper Heinrich Arzet and his wife Wilhelimine nee Vogt. His ancestors on his father's and mother's side came from old farming families from the southern Black Forest . He was related to the local poet Johann Peter Hebel, among others .

After attending the Oberrealschule in Freiburg im Breisgau , Robert Arzet went to the University of Basel and later moved to the University of Heidelberg and the Commercial College in Cologne. He graduated with a degree in Business Administration and received his doctorate in 1918 at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg Dr. phil. The topic of Robert Arzet's dissertation was The financial affairs of the Baden margraves with the city and citizens of Basel .

In 1913 he took over the management of the chief archive of a major German bank, where he also managed its information data. As a result, he did not have to take part in the First World War . He also took over the editing of the Plutus letters - letters for the training of bank officials . As a permanent contributor to major economic journals, Robert Arzet wrote numerous written treatises on currency history and banking, specializing in international economic and capital relations.

He belonged to several societies, including the Friedrich List Society , and lived in Berlin-Grunewald .

After the Second World War , Robert Arzet worked for a time as the head of the economic department of the Tagesspiegel , but died at the age of 61 in December 1950.

Publications (selection)

  • The financial affairs of the margraves of Baden with the city and township of Basel , Schopfheim, undated (1918).
  • (with Theodor E. Gregory and Melchior Palyi): Das Silber-Problem , Berlin, 1932.
  • On the Capital-Economic Reorganization of Europe , Berlin, 1942
  • The role of the stock exchanges in European securities transactions , Berlin, 1942.
  • Credit institute and customers , Bank-Verlag, undated


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Journal for the entire credit system , Volume 3, 1950, p. 7.