Robert Havard

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Robert Emlyn Havard (born March 15, 1901 in the east of England , † 1985 ) was a British doctor and medical scientist. He was the family doctor of the writers JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis and his wife Joy Gresham .


Havard first studied chemistry at Keble College , Oxford , and then studied medicine at Gonville and Caius College , Cambridge . There he took part in a study published in 1926 in the medical journal The Journal under the title The influence of exercise on the inorganic phosphates in the blood and urine ("The influence of exercise on the inorganic phosphates in the blood and urine") of Physiology was published. He was trained at Guy's Hospital in London and graduated in 1927 with a bachelor's degree in medicine (BM) and chemistry (BCh). He also completed a degree from which he graduated in 1934 with a Doctor of Medicine (DM) and in the same year worked in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Leeds and then went as a research assistant to Queen's College in Oxford, and worked as Family doctor.

Havard and the Inklings

Robert Havard was the only non-literary member of the " Inklings ", an association from the 1930s to the 1940s at the University in Oxford , the other next to him Lewis and Tolkien well-known writers and professors like J. A. W. Bennett , Nevill Coghill , Hugo Dyson , Charles Williams or Colin Hardie belonged to. He appeared as the character "Dolbear" in The Notion Club papers , a posthumously published work by Tolkien, and the story of Prince Caspian of the Narnia series was dedicated to Lewis' daughter of Havard. In the literary circle he had several nicknames, such as "Humphrey" or, due to his beard growth in the Navy, the "Red Admiral", but also UQ (Useless Quack, "useless quack").


  • RE Havard, GA Reay: The influence of exercise on the inorganic phosphates of the blood and urine. in: The Journal of Physiology. , ISSN  0022-3751 Cambridge University Press for the Physiological Society, Cambridge 1926, PMC 1514798 (free full text).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. David Bratman: RE Havard: Centenary Honors in: Mythcon 32. Clark Kerr Campus, Berkeley, CA August 3-6 , 2001 (PDF; 493 kB) on
  2. a b Robert 'Humphrey' Havard - Medical 'Inkling'. on
  3. How similar are Dolbear & 'Humphrey' Havard? John Havard's opinion. on
  4. ^ Tolkien and the Study of His Sources: Critical Essays. on