Robert Maschio

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Robert Maschio (born August 25, 1966 in New York City , New York ) is an American stand-up comedian and actor .

Maschio grew up with three brothers in Syosset , Long Island , and attended Columbia University . It was there that his girlfriend at the time, actress Lauren Graham , introduced him to acting.

After playing theater in New York for nearly ten years and making a name for himself as a stand-up comedian, he turned to television and moved to Los Angeles . Through the embodiment of the character of the ordinary Toddman or Toddster "Todd" Quinlan (in the original "The Todd" ) in the television series Scrubs - Maschio became known to a wide audience. He is friends with the creator of Scrubs , Bill Lawrence , and previously prepared to guest star on Lawrence's Chaos City in 1996 . He played a jury member in the TV series Veronica Mars .

Maschio privately collects donations for a foundation for research into multiple sclerosis (MS).

Filmography (selection)

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