Robert Winnigstedt

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Robert Winnigstedt (born March 20, 1903 in Minden , East Westphalia, † March 4, 1977 in Bonn ) was a German certified farmer and animal breeding manager.


Robert Winnigstedt came from the eastern part of the Prussian province of Westphalia, studied in agricultural businesses in Lower Saxony and Thuringia after graduating from high school, then studied at the University of Jena ( Wilhelm Edler , Friedrich Parsival Stegmann v. Pritzwald) and the Agricultural University (LH) Berlin ( Johannes Hansen , Friedrich Aereboe ) and graduated with an examination as a qualified farmer. This was followed by a doctorate at the LH Berlin in 1927 as Dr. agr. and a year later the Prussian animal breeding leader examination.

In 1927 Winnigstedt started as an animal breeding assistant at the "Westfälische Herdbuchgesellschaft" (for cattle). In 1934 he became head of the animal breeding department of the Rhineland regional farmers' association (from 1937 as agricultural council, from 1940 as senior agricultural council) and at the same time managing director of the "Rhenish Association for Lowland Cattle Breeding" and the "Landeskontrollverband Rheinland". In 1944/45 he represented Albert Brummenbaum, the head of agricultural production in Department II of the Reichsnährstand in Berlin .

After the end of the Second World War , Winnigstedt initially dealt with the reorganization of the animal husbandry administration and associations in the British-occupied zone at the headquarters for food and agriculture of the British military government and became honorary managing director of the Central Association of Cattle Breeders. From 1947 he took over the management of this organization full-time - from 1951 it was called Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Rinderzüchter e. V. (ADR). With the establishment of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Tierzüchter e. V. (ADT) in 1948 Winnigstedt became its managing director and thus bundled the umbrella organizations formed according to the new association law as mergers of the state associations for the main livestock species in the area of ​​the later Federal Republic. For a time he was also managing director of the Vereinigung Deutscher Landesschafzuchtverbände e. V. (VDL). At the end of 1968 he retired.

In the 22 years of this responsible activity, Winnigstedt worked on many areas:

  • Coordination and guidance of the state animal breeding associations united in the umbrella organization
  • Establishment of a new "House of Animal Breeding" as headquarters in Bonn
  • Establishment, commissioning and support of IMEX (Deutsche Zucht- und Nutzvieh Im- und Exportgesellschaft mbH) with branches in Munich and Bonn as well as other trading organizations
  • Editing and editing of the magazine "Der Tierzüchter" (magazine for the processing industry), which appeared every two weeks and dealt with all types of livestock
  • Reorganization of the exhibition system from a new perspective (greater importance of offspring shows)
  • Participation in the reorganization of the national animal breeding, animal disease and feed law
  • Implementation of new scientific findings (especially from Ivar Johannsson ) using artificial insemination and first stages of computer technology to evaluate the performance results
  • Collaboration with veterinarians using health services to combat animal diseases such as tuberculosis, abortion bang, leukosis and foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)
  • Establishing international contacts within the EEC and beyond
  • Constructive cooperation with the German Farmers' Association (DBV) and the German Agricultural Society (DLG)
  • Assistance with the reconstruction of the German Society for Zuchtungskunde e. V. ( DGfZ ) and its restructuring in 1954 with greater involvement of veterinarians through the new "Breeding Hygiene" working group
  • Numerous publications on breeders personalities

From 1950 he was supported by his colleague and later successor Heino Messerschmidt .

Honorary positions

Through his work, Winnigstedt became active on a voluntary basis in many committees:

  • 1949–1950 managing director, 1950–1951 advisor at IMEX
  • 1951–1965 member of the supervisory board and the “Small Commission” of IMEX
  • 1965–1977 Chairman of the shareholders' meeting and the “Small Commission” of IMEX
  • 1957–1969 Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Office of German Animal Breeding e. V. to advertise German breeding cattle
  • 1970–1977 deputy chairman of the shareholders' meeting of the Pferde- und Viehverkehrs GmbH
  • 1949–1968 editor of the magazine “Der Tierzüchter” with more than 1,200 issues
  • longtime board member and expert committee member of the German Society for Züchtungskunde e. V. (DGfZ)
  • Chairman of the commission for the awarding and management of the DLG quality mark for animal feed
  • Member of the study commission for cattle production of the European Association for Animal Breeding (later Animal Production, EVT)
  • Longstanding member of the board of the European Committee for Milk Performance Tests
  • Reviewer for the DEIR-el-HAJAR animal breeding project in Syria

Publications (selection)

  • Investigations into cattle breeding in Minden-Ravensberg. Diss. Agricultural University Berlin, 1927, 192 pp.
  • Farmers on poor soil; Animal breeding research in the service of food security; Breeding methods and problems of German animal breeding; The well-fortified village in: German agricultural policy. Number 8, year 2, May 1944. Brochure 1944. With Robert Winnigstedt.
  • The German cattle breeds: their breeding goals, distribution areas and breeding associations. (with F. Scholz and F. Birker) Hannover: Schaper, 1953, work of the ADR, issue 13.
  • Status of the insemination of cattle in Germany on January 1st, 1957. Hannover: Schaper, 1957, work of the ADT, volume 21.
  • Animal breeding in Turkey. In: German-Turkish Society e. V., Bonn, issue 19, December 1957.
  • Status of cattle insemination in the Federal Republic of Germany. As of 01/01/1959. Hanover: Schaper, 1959, work of the ADR, issue 25.
  • Measures to promote agricultural animal breeding. In: Handbook of Agriculture. Volume III, 2nd ed., 1952, pp. 357-409.
  • 25 years of IMEX. The history of the German breeding cattle import and export. 1974.


Winnigstedt stood at the end of the conservative period in German animal breeding and knew where further developments would lead. He prepared this gradual transition or initiated it himself. The goal was an economically oriented animal production that made use of the most modern scientific aids at the time. Thanks to his diplomatic and tactical skills, he knew how to achieve useful results in negotiations, even when there were conflicting or differing opinions. In his many publications he wrote for consultants and breeders, spreading scientific knowledge and practical experience.


Winnigstedt was made an honorary member of the German Society for Zuchtungskunde (DGfZ) in 1976 for his significant achievements and after more than 50 years of membership.


  • Theophil Gerber: personalities from agriculture, forestry, horticulture and veterinary medicine. Biographical Lexicon. 4th ext. Edition. NORA, 2014, p. 866/867.
  • Dürrwaechter: On the 60th birthday of Dr. Robert Winnigstedt. In: The animal breeder. 15, H. 6, 1963, p. 227.
  • Karl Schimmelpfennig : A Piece of German Animal Breeding History - Robert Winnigstedt 65 Years. In: The animal breeder. 20, H. 6, 1968, pp. 174-179.
  • Karl Schimmelpfennig: Dr. Robert Winnigstedt died. In: Zkde. 49, 4, 1977, pp. 251-252.
  • Archive of the Working Group of German Animal Breeders, Bonn.

Individual evidence

  1. Association of German Animal Breeders (ADT)
  2. Association of German Cattle Breeders (ADR)
  3. ^ List of previous honorary members of the DGfZ